How to convert a CString to a char

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4 comments, last by wall 21 years, 9 months ago
Hi! Does anybody know how to convert a CString to a char? Thanks in advance William D.
A string is a group of characters, a char is ONE character. What exactly are you trying to do?
To get a specific character from the CString you could use the GetAt-method or the []-operator.

To treat the CString as a const char*, just cast it to one. E.g. CString str = "asdf"; const char* sz = (const char*) str;

To convert the string "123" to the number 123 use the atoi-function.
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I don''t know about CString''s but with regular STL string''s you can call string.c_str() to get the C-style string out of it.
string s="Hello";const char* str = s.c_str(); 

that will give you an array of char''s.

Try looking at GetBuffer()........
Use the convertion operator LPCTSTR

For instance
int MyInt = atoi((LPCTSTR)MyCString);

operator LPCTSTR gets a const char* buffer.
(LPCTSTR) is implied on most calls requiring a const char*.

If you need a char * (one that you can write to) to modify it, use GetBuffer and ReleaseBuffer if I remember correctly.
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