Directory Format

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2 comments, last by Assembler015 21 years, 9 months ago
I''m working on a win32 application and I was wondering if there was an API call to validate a directory. I don''t care if the directory exists or not, I just want to know if the format of the entered directory is valid. I''ve looked in the MSDN library but I haven''t had much luck locating any API call to do this and right now I''m more interested in working on the program rather than writting a function to make sure the string is of valid format to be a directory. Thanks for any help --Andrew
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Thanks for the reply however, I''ve seen that function before and that tells you if the path is valid only if the directory exists - I don''t care if it does or doesn''t. Does any one know of a function to do this?

Here, I wrote one. It may not be perfect, since I may have screwed up the ''allowed characters'' part (I found the information online, but I didn''t put much effort into insuring its correctness). It''s easy to make it handle unix-style directory characters (which Windows doesn''t mind as far as I know), by adding a check for ''/'' in all the places that check against ''\\''. It seems to work, but it isn''t heavily tested.

  int IsValidWindowsPath(const char *Path) {	const char DirChar = ''\\'';	const char Allowed[] = { ''$'', ''%'', ''\'''', ''`'', ''-'',	                         ''@'', ''{'',  ''}'', ''~'', ''!'',	                         ''#'', ''('',  '')'', ''&'', ''_'',	                         ''^'', ''+'',  '','', ''.'', ''='',	                         ''['', '']'',  '' '' };	unsigned int a;	/* Handle Drive Dealies */	if(Path[1] == '':'') {		if(tolower(Path[0]) < ''a'' || tolower(Path[0]) > ''z'' ||		   Path[2] != DirChar) {			return 0;		}		Path += 3;	}	while(*Path) {		if(Path[0] == ''.'') {			/* Handle Current Directory and Parent Directory References */			if(Path[1] == DirChar || Path[1] == ''\0'')				Path += 3;			else if(Path[1] == ''.'')				if(Path[2] == DirChar || Path[2] == ''\0'')					Path += 4;				else return 0;			else return 0;		} else {			while(Path[0] != DirChar && Path[1] != ''\0'') {				if(tolower(Path[0]) < ''a'' || tolower(Path[0]) > ''z'') {					for(a=0; a<sizeof(Allowed); ++a) {						if(Path[0] == Allowed[a])							goto continue_2;					}					return 0;				}				continue_2:;				++Path;			}			if(Path != ''\0'')				++Path;		}	}	return 1;}  

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