Strange dynamic array returns

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1 comment, last by Cherez 21 years, 9 months ago
I''m working on a class that allows me to store different types and lengths of array (by a char* and bitwise shifts). But everytime I set the variables they change. Here are the funxctons I use: void setint(unsigned int location, bool which, int set){ location *= 4; if (which) for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place) data[location + place - 4] = (char)(set>>8*place);} int getint(unsigned int location, bool which){ location *= 4; int ear = 0; if (which) for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place) ear |= (char)(data[location + 4 - place] << (place * 8));} void sset(unsigned int size, unsigned int nlength, char ntype){ clear(1); data = new char[length * size]; length = nlength; type = ntype;} and data is a char* (these are all in an object called chobject). But the output is rather strange. int main(){ Chobject Joe(1); Joe.sset(3, 4, 1); Joe.setint(0, 1, 1); Joe.setint(1, 1, 1); Joe.setint(2, 1, 2); cout << Joe.getint(0, true) << "\n" << Joe.getint(1, true) << "\n"; reutrn 0; prints: 0 2237497 instead of 1 1 and int main(){ Chobject Joe(1); Joe.sset(3, 4, 1); Joe.setint(0, 1, 1); Joe.setint(1, 1, 1); Joe.setint(2, 1, 2); cout << Joe.getint(0, true) << "\n"; reutrn 0; prints 2237497. instead of 1. Any ideas of what I''m doing wrong?
Any of the following may either be a bug, a consequence of me misunderstanding the code or you not using excactly the same code as you posted

int getint(unsigned int location, bool which)
you don''t return anything, small wonder Joe.getint returns funny things

void sset(unsigned int size, unsigned int nlength, char ntype)
line 2 you use length, which is either uninitialized or even undefined. But since you assign a value to it afterwards I assume
data = new char[length * size]; 

should be
data = new char[nlength * size]; 

none of your funtions belong to a class. They should be e.g
void Chobject::getint(unsigned int location, bool which) 

and couldn''t you replaced your storage loops
for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place)data[location + place - 4] = (char)(set>>8*place); 

int* casted = (int*)(data[location]);*casted = set; 

I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up
I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up
Thanks a lot to dreamfroger. Now it prints
I did msis the return on get int. I omitted most of the object to save on complexity. But I guess it will probably be helpful.

#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Chobject{
bool suse;
bool duse;
unsigned int name;
char type;
unsigned int length;
char* data;
deque* ddata;
Chobject(unsigned int nname){
name = nname;
suse = false;
duse = false;}

int clear(){
int deleted = 0;
if (suse){
delete data;
deleted += 1;}
if (duse){
delete ddata;
deleted += 2;}
return deleted;}

bool checksuse(){
return suse;}

bool checkduse(){
return duse;}

int clear(bool which){
if (which & suse){
delete data;
return 1;}
if ((!which) & duse){
delete ddata;
return 1;}
return 0;}

void sset(unsigned int size, unsigned int nlength, char ntype){
data = new char[nlength * size];
length = nlength;
type = ntype;}

void dset(unsigned int reserve){
ddata = new deque(reserve, 0);}

char checktype(){
return type;}

unsigned int checkname(){
return name;}

void setchar(unsigned int location, bool which, char set){
if (which)
data[location] = set;
(*ddata)[location] = set;}

char getchar(unsigned int location, bool which){
if (which)
return data[location];
return (*ddata)[location];}

void setint(unsigned int location, bool which, int set){
int* casted;
location *= 4;
if (which)
for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place)
data[location + place - 4] = (char)(set>>8*place);
for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place)
(*ddata)[location + place - 4] = (char)(set>>8*place);}

int getint(unsigned int location, bool which){
location *= 4;
int ear = 0;
if (which)
for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place)
ear |= (char)(data[location + 4 - place] << (place * 8));
for (int place = 4; place > -1; --place)
ear |= (char)((*ddata)[location + 4 - place] << (place * 8));
return ear;}

void setlong(unsigned int location, bool which, long set){
location *= 8;
if (which)
for (int place = 8; place > -1 ; --place)
data[location + place - 8] = (char)(set >> place * 8);
for (int place = 8; place > -1 ; --place)
(*ddata)[location + place - 8] = (char)(set >> place * 8);}

long getlong(unsigned int location, bool which){
location *= 8;
long ear = 0;
for (int place = 8; place > -1; --place)
ear |= (char)(data[location + 8 - place] << (place * 8));
for (int place = 8; place > -1; --place)
ear |= (char)((*ddata)[location + 8 - place] << (place * 8));
return ear;}


int main(){
Chobject Joe(1);
Joe.sset(3, 4, 1);
Joe.setint(0, 1, 1);
Joe.setint(1, 1, 1);
Joe.setint(2, 1, 2);
cout << Joe.getint(0, true) << "\n" << Joe.getint(1, true) << "\n";
return 0;}

When I tried the method of storage you suggested I got a crash. Thanks for finding the return error too.

Thanks for the help so far.

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