Serial Port I/O

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11 comments, last by doctorsixstring 21 years, 9 months ago
I have been checking out the forums and some websites for information on sending and receiving data through a communications port. I have a custom-built loop-back plug on my com ports, allowing any data I send to be received back into the same port. I wrote a simple function to open a com port and write a string to it, but it fails to produce any results (I use HyperTerminal to watch the com port). Here is my code that doesn''t work:
void OpenPort()
	HANDLE hCom2;
	DCB dcb;
	char strOutput[64];
	DWORD bytesWritten;

	GetCommState(hCom2, &dcb);

	dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
	dcb.BaudRate = 2400;
	dcb.ByteSize = 8;
	dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
	dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
	SetCommState(hCom2, &dcb);	// Apply the new comm port settings

	timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
	timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
	timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
	timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
	timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
	SetCommTimeouts( hCom2, &timeouts );

	EscapeCommFunction(hCom2, SETDTR);

	strcpy(strOutput, "Hello, World!\r");
	WriteFile(hCom2, strOutput, strlen(strOutput), &bytesWritten, NULL);	

	EscapeCommFunction(hCom2, CLRDTR);

Any thoughts? -Mike
That line
could be the culprit I think!
Stick some error checks in there, especially on the CreateFile call; otherwise, debugging will be almost impossible. Also, I could be wrong, but shouldn''t it be "COM2:"?

Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
Or maybe not... looking at the code again. I didn''t see you were trying to write to the port before closing it.
What does the variable bytesWritten contain after the call? It should tell you how many bytes were actually sent to the device.
... do listen to sneftel, despite the coffee. I think he hit the nail on the head there, "COM2:". You may need a \\.\ at the front as well, depending on versions of windows.
I am using GetLastError() and FormatMessage() to see the error codes returned by CreateFile().

Using the following code, the error message reads "The parameter is incorrect." I am assuming the message is referring to the first parameter, but I cannot be sure. When I attempt a write after running CreateFile(), 'bytesWritten' is set to 14 bytes ("Hello, World\r\0").


I have tried each of the following strings as replacements for "COM2":


They all return the same message "The parameter is incorrect.". But when I write, I always get 14 bytes of data written.

Just to clarify, I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 on a Win98 system (although I want the code to be fully compatible with NT-based systems, as well).

Thanks for all the replies, so far.

- Mike

[edited by - doctorsixstring on July 15, 2002 1:35:53 PM]

[edited by - doctorsixstring on July 15, 2002 1:39:15 PM]
I have a serial-port app I''ll look at when I get home; I''m confident I''ll be able to diff the problem.

I doubt it''s the first argument that''s causing the problem; Windows would either recognize the thing as a com port (and open it) or not (and create a file somewhere). My money''s on the flags.
Here''s our call for our serial port routines:

          m_handle = CreateFile (str,            GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,            0,                  // comm devices must be opened w/exclusive-access            NULL,               // no security attrs             OPEN_EXISTING,      // comm devices must use OPEN_EXISTING            FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,   // overlapped I/O            NULL                // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices            );  

str is of the form "COM%d", no colon. Only difference here is we''re using overlapped I/O.
Thanks for all the replies, guys. I''ve built a small class that handles opening and closing the com ports and writing to it. Part of my problem was that I was attempting to open Com2 while simutaneously viewing Com2 using HyperTerminal. Obviously, I can''t have two connections open to one com port at the same time. To get around this, I soldered a short serial cable together, with each end able to plug into a serial port. Thus, I can send data out of Com2 and view the results in HyperTerminal (which is connected to Com1).

One last question: What exactly does it mean to use Ovelapped I/O?
Look it up on MSDN--it''s a pretty complicated subject. Basically, each read and write becomes an asynchronous call.

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