X Direction?

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13 comments, last by FlorianapoliS 21 years, 9 months ago
Translating will never change the direction you are looking in. And, coincidentally, you are translating -20.0f out of the screen.
Wait... all this is relative. Your "right" can be mapped to negative/positive XYZ-axis. It all depends of your eye point position, look at position and up vector. I don''t know why ppl are giving you all these answers... there''s no answer to this except that it is RELATIVE.
I know its all relative I''m just trying to work out how to make it relative so that +ve x is right?
You would have to translate +20.0f into the screen, rotate 180 degrees on the y axis, and switch the sign of all the z''s in your rendering code.

Actually, 90 degrees should point UP, and zero should be to the right. You''ll likely save yourself some headache later if you go with this ''standard'' system.
Yeah, I think I''ll just throw some negatives in Thanks for all your help

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