Simple but weird triangle problem ...

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8 comments, last by SimDemon 21 years, 8 months ago
I am learning Direct3D from the NeXe website. When I try to draw a square or triangle it appears, but it has many lines through it. I tried to do a screen capture, but the square doesn''t show up in the image generated. Anyhow, please tell me why I get a lot of lines through triangles, squares, and everything else. Thanks, Matt Utley If thispost = 0 Then GoBack() Else Read() End If
I'll have a link to the TriFaze website as soon as possible. It's still currently being designed, by myself of course! =) I'll update the URL and my signature as soon as possible.Feel free to send me a message on Yahoo! or AOL IM™. =)
try to download the tutorial then run it, if it still sucks, maybe your computer does too.
LoL! I do kind of think my computer sucks. I just wanted a simple something I could program on. I didn''t really plan on using it for gaming. Our family computer ( I''m 15, BTW ) will probably run it fine. I will try it real quick. This computer that it doesn''t work right on is a PII 350MHz, ATI 3D Rage Pro 2X AGP 16MB, and 128MB RAM.

If thispost = 0 Then

End If
I'll have a link to the TriFaze website as soon as possible. It's still currently being designed, by myself of course! =) I'll update the URL and my signature as soon as possible.Feel free to send me a message on Yahoo! or AOL IM™. =)
This is totally messed up. My other computer has 512MB RAM, AMD Athlon, GeForce 3 16MB. It gave me my error, "Failed to initialize Direct3D 8."

If thispost = 0 Then

End If
I'll have a link to the TriFaze website as soon as possible. It's still currently being designed, by myself of course! =) I'll update the URL and my signature as soon as possible.Feel free to send me a message on Yahoo! or AOL IM™. =)
if you can''t post an image, could you post your draw routine? it''s hard to help debug someone''s code without said code.

Try updating your display drivers...
There is no problem so complicated that it cannot be complicated further.
quote:It gave me my error, "Failed to initialize Direct3D 8."
Try installing DirectX 8(.1).
Here''s the code I use to draw the scene:

void DrawScene () {	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Clear the scene to black	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->Clear (0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_XRGB (0, 0, 0), 1.0f, 0);	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Begin the scene	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->BeginScene ();	///////////////////////////////////////////////    // Scene-Drawing functions go here	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Matrix code	D3DXMATRIX mat;		D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&mat, D3DX_PI/6, 640/480, 1.0, 100.0);	d3d->g_pD3dDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &(D3DMATRIX)mat);	D3DXMatrixIdentity(&mat);	d3d->g_pD3dDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &(D3DMATRIX)mat);	D3DXMatrixTranslation(&mat, 0, 0, 10.0);	d3d->g_pD3dDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &(D3DMATRIX)mat);	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// The triangle coordinates	///////////////////////////////////////////////	vtxQuad[0].Create (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);	vtxQuad[1].Create (x1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);	vtxQuad[2].Create (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1);	vtxQuad[3].Create (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);    ///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Set the cullmode render state	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->SetRenderState (D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Set the lighting to "off"	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->SetRenderState (D3DRS_LIGHTING, light);	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Set the vertex shader	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->SetVertexShader (D3DFVF_CVertex);	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// Draw the quad	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->DrawPrimitiveUP (D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2,		vtxQuad, sizeof (CVertex) );	///////////////////////////////////////////////	// End the scene	///////////////////////////////////////////////	d3d->g_pD3dDev->EndScene ();	d3d->g_pD3dDev->Present (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);}

The way I came up with d3d->g_pD3dDev is I made a D3D class, for initializing D3D. TFD3D* d3d = new TFD3D; Now, CVertex is the vertex class used on the NeXe website, and vtxQuad is: CVertex vtxQuad[4]. I hope you can help me with this code.

If thispost = 0 Then

End If
I'll have a link to the TriFaze website as soon as possible. It's still currently being designed, by myself of course! =) I'll update the URL and my signature as soon as possible.Feel free to send me a message on Yahoo! or AOL IM™. =)
that init stuff must go into somewhere else.
DrawScene must only contain:

I think!
you should make another functin that Inits, and then load it one time before you render. And that light stuff, i dont know if you added a light thing in it, but just that code isnt enough.

Just download the source from Nexe and run it.

[edited by - pipo declown on July 25, 2002 4:31:55 PM]
I''ve seen funny lines etc before and it has been when the z-buffer hasn''t been created on the CreateDevice. Alternatively if you have and older card, it might not be able to handle a 32-bit z-buffer so maybe reduce this to 16.


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