Screwing up my desktop.

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6 comments, last by d000hg 21 years, 8 months ago
When leaving my app in fullscreen mode, bits of the desktop remain covered with whatever was there, most noticeably the start/task bar. What am I forgetting to do for this to happen? Read about my game, project #1 John 3:16
I''ve gotten this problem before... are you running your fullscreen game at the same resolution as your desktop (e.g. game res = 1024x768, desktop res = 1024,768)?
Post some code, this may help fix the problem.
Yeah, same as desktop resolution.

Here is my d3d init code

  BOOL D3DClass::InitD3D(){	// create a Direct3D device	Output("Creating a D3D COM object...");	D3D = Direct3DCreate8( D3D_SDK_VERSION );	if(D3D == NULL)	{		Output("failed\n");		return FALSE;	}	Output("Succeeded\n");	NumAdapters=D3D->GetAdapterCount();	Devices=new LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8[NumAdapters];	ZeroMemory(Devices,NumAdapters*sizeof(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8));	Adapters=new D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER8[NumAdapters];	Caps=new D3DCAPS8[NumAdapters];	NumModes=new UINT [NumAdapters];	DisplayModes=new D3DDISPLAYMODE *[NumAdapters];	for(unsigned i=0;i<NumAdapters;++i)	{		D3D->GetAdapterIdentifier(i,D3DENUM_NO_WHQL_LEVEL,&Adapters[i]);		D3D->GetDeviceCaps(i,D3DDEVTYPE_HAL,&Caps[i]);		NumModes[i]=D3D->GetAdapterModeCount(i);		DisplayModes[i]=new D3DDISPLAYMODE[NumModes[i]];		for(unsigned j=0;j<NumModes[i];++j)			D3D->EnumAdapterModes(i,j,&DisplayModes[i][j]);	}	return TRUE;}  

And this is the method to get rid of everything:

  void D3DClass::ShutD3D(){	// first, release any devices we''ve created.	if(Devices != NULL)	{		for(UINT i=0;i<NumAdapters;++i)		if(Devices[i]!=NULL)			Devices[i]->Release();		delete [] Devices;		Devices = NULL; // just to be safe	}	Output("Released the d3d device(s)\n");	// next, release the direct3d interface.	if(D3D != NULL)	{		D3D->Release();		D3D = NULL; // just to be safe	}	Output("Released the d3d interface\n");		for(UINT i=0;i<NumAdapters;++i)	{		delete [] DisplayModes[i];	}	delete [] DisplayModes;	DisplayModes=NULL;	delete [] NumModes;	NumModes=NULL;	delete [] Adapters;	NumAdapters=0;	Adapters=NULL;}  

This gets called from my d3dclass'' destructor, the d3d class is deleted last thing before returning from WinMain.

Read about my game, project #1

John 3:16
What kind if video card do you have?
psst, never delete pointers to a COM object
I''m not. I have an array of pointers to all the adapters present, that list of pointers gets deallocated after releasing all the adapters.

I have Geforce 2MX. Latest drivers, DX 8.1, WinME

Read about my game, project #1

John 3:16
Though I was never able to figure out the problem for myself, I just decided I''d not render the game at my resolution lol

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