ISO3D Tile Selection

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1 comment, last by MCAgni 21 years, 8 months ago
Hello, i have read the book "Isometric Game Programming with DirectX 7.0" and in the last Chapter TRANSTAAFL told me how to do a Tile Selection in ISO3D, but i don''t understand this. I make a Surface for the MouseMap, and each Row have a Color. So, when i click on the Mouse, i read the MouseMap-Surface Pixel at the Mouse-Coordinate. And, then???? How i can transform the WORD Color into the Map-Location??? Have somebody a Code for this stupid Problem??? My CodeBy Mouse-Click) POINT Convert_Color_Tile(POINT ptMousePos) { POINT ptTemp; DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; memset(&ddsd,0,sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2)); ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2); lpddsMouseMap->Lock(NULL,&ddsd,DDLOCK_WAIT,NULL); LONG lPitch = ddsd.lPitch/sizeof(WORD); WORD* pSurface = (WORD*)ddsd.lpSurface; WORD dwColor = pSurface[ptMousePos.x+ptMousePos.y*lPitch]; lpddsMouseMap->Unlock(NULL); // Here is the Problem...what must i do with the Color? return ptTemp; } I hope somebody have read the book too, and can help me. I relly don''t know how to do this! Cya MC Agni
I''m not sure about that specific book... but the general method is thus.

----------------------|Blue     /\    Green||      /      \      ||   /            \   ||/      White       \||\                  /||   \            /   ||      \      /      ||Magenta  \/     Red |---------------------- 

  switch (dwColor) {   case COLOR_WHITE:     // Clicked on this tile.     break;   case COLOR_BLUE:     if (ptTemp.y is even) ptTemp.x--; ptTemp.y--; break;   case COLOR_GREEN:     if (ptTemp.y is odd) ptTemp.x++; ptTemp.y--; break;   case COLOR_MAGENTA:     if (ptTemp.y is even) ptTemp.x--; ptTemp.y++; break;   case COLOR_RED:     if (ptTemp.y is odd) ptTemp.x++; ptTemp.y++; break;   default:     break;}  

The maths above are assuming you show the map by interleaving the odd rows by moving the tiles over half a column. But that is the basic concept; use the color to determine exactly which tile to shove the "real" cursor position into.
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thank you for your answer, but in ISO3D you don''t use these Bitmap-MouseMap.

Have nobody read this book, and have a code for this Problem???

So, TRANSTAAFEL give me a answer,please! Or somebody else...

Cya MC Agni

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