Suggestions for linking problems???

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3 comments, last by Noods 21 years, 8 months ago
The error:
quote:ddsetup.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _DirectDrawCreate@12 Debug/Quelzars.exe : fatal error LNK 1120: 1 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe
The question is, how do the more experience programmers go about working through the problem when your compiler cant find an external? I made sure my directories were set up and that I had the DirectX directories included. I even went as far as reinstalling the MSSDK. How should I go about tackling this problem? As always any help would be greatly appreciated. [edited by - Noods on August 12, 2002 8:20:05 PM]
linker problems are:

90% you forgot to list the proper .lib file in your linker settings

9% problems using keword ''extern'' in your code.

1% misc other crapola

for this problem, i''d check your linker settings and make sure you are actually linking to the DirectX libraries, whatever they are.

There are plenty of other things that would whack out if I didnt have the ;ibraries set correctly, but I checked it again just to verify. Everything looked ok there.
Project -> Settings -> Add ddraw.lib to Project Options. Fixed it
You can add
#pragma comment(lib, "ddraw.lib")
to your code as well

It''s a Microsoft specific extention
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