OpenGL Blending and masking...

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2 comments, last by BlackScar 24 years ago
Hi! The last few days I''ve been learning heavily on OpenGL. But the tutorials on the net that I were reading had to disable the depth-testing whenever I blended or masked something. How can I blend or mask something without disabling the depth-test? Thanks alot! Justin Eslinger
~-=-=-=-=-=-=~~Justin Eslinger~~.."BlackScar"..~~-=-=-=-=-=-=~
I''m working on a 3D game engine. To render water I had to use blending. disabling the Depth test created a lot of problem. I think i can give you details:
you don''t have to disable depth test.. it''s just that if you draw the poly''s out of order it''s gonna have odd effects.
ie: picture you want to have a wall and a window in front of it.. you should draw the wall then the blended window after that.. right? otherwise if you draw them out of order.. you have a blended window drawn, then nothing drawn behind it since the depth of the window is in front of the wall.
get it? good.
I see!

Thanks alot!

Justin Eslinger
~-=-=-=-=-=-=~~Justin Eslinger~~.."BlackScar"..~~-=-=-=-=-=-=~

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