Where can i learn c++?

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5 comments, last by snoofy 21 years, 8 months ago
Hi. My name is Albert and im just started in world of game programming but i cant find a good tutorial about C++, if someone could tell me a good web site tutorial or something like this but free i will thank you all my live. thanks.
Tutorial #1:

#include <iostream.h>

void main()
cout << "Hello World";

"Intelligence is proportionate to your reference base."
"Wisdom is proportionate to your reference base. Intelligence is the ability to appropriately use that Wisdom."
C++ from the basics up to intermediate concepts in simple tutorial format with tests to check your knowledge.

A good way of finding C++ tutorials is with this.
Leathrewulfe, you fool!

#include <iostream>int main(){    std::cout << "Hello World\n";         return 0;} 

Man, leave him alone... just because his main function was returning void, and he used a deprecated header

EDIT - Oh, forgot the namespace thingy, and the newline

[edited by - Outworlder on August 14, 2002 9:37:43 PM]
Gaiomard Dragon-===(UDIC)===-
If you''re gonna teach newbies, teach them right.
What the heck is this? A two volume downloadable version of Thinking in C++! Well, the following link should bring you to a page with download sites where you can get Thinking in C++. It is a pretty good book and it has gotten some good reviews. It covers C++ programming and the STL. It covers just about everything in standard C++. It also provides you with about 25 to 50 exercises to do after each chapter, and on top of that includes all the source code used in the book! It is totally free too! Here is the link:


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