Text based Rpg

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16 comments, last by com 21 years, 7 months ago
another problem that i forgot to ask about; how do you load up different pages or parts of the GUI in the same window?
any help would greatly be apreiteiated.

[edited by - com on August 29, 2002 4:30:02 AM]
anyone at all can answer me that question?

anyway, ive been getting on with my interface but i have been struck by 2 errors that confuse me:

  void PaintWindow(HDC hdc)                //Line 31!!!!!{  // set our mapping mode as text.  this means 1 logical unit = 1 pixel.  SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);  // this function will draw the bitmap without stretching.  /*BitBlt(hdc,    0, 0, g_iScreenWidth, g_iScreenHeight,    g_hDCBitmap, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);  */  // this function will stretch the bitmap so that it fits in the window.  StretchBlt(hdc,    0, 0, g_iScreenWidth, g_iScreenHeight,    g_hDCBitmap, 0, 0, g_iBitmapWidth, g_iBitmapHeight, SRCCOPY);  //now we will add our buttons to the window.  HBRUSH create = CreatePatternBrush("create.bmp");  HPEN yellowpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255,255,0));  //created a brush with a image fill and a yellow pen.  HBRUSH oldbrush = SelectObject(hdc, (HBRUSH)create);  HPEN oldpen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, (HPEN)yellowpen);  Rectangle(hdc, randomrect.left, randomrect.top, randomrect.right, randomrect.bottom);  }  

and my erros are:
C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\rpg\rpg\window.cpp(31) : error C2144: syntax error : missing '';'' before type ''void''
C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\rpg\rpg\window.cpp(31) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
Error executing cl.exe.
anyone who can help me plz?
thx in advance
I bet you have included a header with a syntax error in it just before line 31.
I''ll wager it''s a class or a struct definition without a semicolon at the end.

Do I win five pounds?

"Most people think, great God will come from the sky, take away everything, and make everybody feel high" - Bob Marley
"Most people think, great God will come from the sky, take away everything, and make everybody feel high" - Bob Marley
wrong u lose, no headers are included yet.....
well only windows.h anyway

[edited by - com on August 29, 2002 1:12:38 PM]
Post the source from line 1 to 31 and I might be able to help you.

Check line 30 though, it''s probably missing a semicolon.
I'm learning, just like the best of us...Ok, now assume a spherical cow... :)
quote:Original post by Ivyn
*ahem* Why are you using OpenGL to create a text-based game? With all due respect that''s like dispatching an F-16 to take out a caterpillar... get the picture?

I found that very funny.

yours truly,
evil sausage
And so, the evil religion thread stole the wonderful "What the Heck?" thread's throne. Truly a sad day for gamedev.
True never underestimate the caterpillar it might change and fly way and then the f-17 will have a hard time hitting that moving target
Kind of like dispatching an f-15 to take out a tent in the middle of the desert! How absurd!

Oh wait.

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Ripped off from various people

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