How to retrieve the state of dialog controls

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2 comments, last by _BladeRunner_ 21 years, 7 months ago
hi| how do i change/get the state of dialog controls without using MFC?? I mean how do i let my program know that a specified control (radio button, check button,....) is checked/unchecked, enabled/disabled....? --bye felix
IsDlgButtonChecked, IsWindowEnabled, etc.
I copied this from the DX8.1 SDK common files

//Gets you a handle of a control in the dialog box
HWND hwndAdapterList = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ADAPTER_COMBO );

//Gets you the number corresponds to the item order in the list
DWORD dwItem = ComboBox_GetCurSel( hwndMultiSampleList );

//resets the control
ComboBox_ResetContent( hwndAdapterList );

//checks for status of the radio button
bNewWindowed = Button_GetCheck( hwndWindowedRadio );

//you can dynamicly add items to the list
ComboBox_SetItemData( hwndAdapterList, dwItem, a );

DWORD dwItem = ComboBox_AddString( hwndAdapterList,
God is the greatest
thx. hope this''ll help.

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