Creating a file in asm

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8 comments, last by Birdman 21 years, 7 months ago
I''m trying to create a new file in asm, but the error sub keeps getting tripped. I can''t figure out why. I''m sure its something really dumb. Any help is appreciated. DOSSEG .MODEL SMALl .STACK 200h .DATA filename db "c:\tasm\texture.grp$" handle dw 0 filemessage db "Error.$" fileheader db "SG-texture" tname db [9] .CODE START: mov AH,3ch ;create the file mov CL,0 mov DX,seg filename mov DS,DX mov DX,offset filename int 21h mov handle,AX jnc cont3 call fileerror cont3: mov AH,40h ;write file header mov BX,handle mov CX,10 mov DX,seg fileheader mov DS,DX mov DX,offset fileheader cmp AX,10 jz cont1 call fileerror cont1: mov BX,0 ;get a texture name getname: mov AH,0 ;get a keypress int 16h cmp AH,28 ;check for enter jz finishedgetname cmp AH,0 ;check for no character jz getname push AX ;print the character mov DL,AL mov AH,2 int 21h pop AX cmp AH,14 ;check for backspace jnz contgetname dec BX jmp getname contgetname: inc BX ;add the keypress to the name cmp BX,10 jz finishedgetname mov tname[BX],AL jmp getname finishedgetname: mov AH,40h ;write the texture name mov BX,handle mov CX,10 mov DX,seg tname[0] mov DS,DX mov DX,offset tname[0] int 21h cmp AX,10 jz cont2 call fileerror cont2: endprog: mov AH,3eh ;close the file mov BX,handle int 21h mov AX,0003h ;end prog int 10h mov AX,4c00h int 21h Proc fileerror ;Dislay an error mov AX,seg filemessage ;display file error message mov DS,AX mov DX,offset filemessage mov AH,9 int 21h mov AX,0 ;wait for keypress int 16h jmp endprog ;end the program endp fileerror END START Look! There! Up in the sky! It''s Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
Look! There! Up in the sky! It's Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
NO! Those source tags didn''t work! I put in:

"" without the "s of course

blah blah

" and it didn''t do it!

Look! There! Up in the sky! It''s Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
Look! There! Up in the sky! It's Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
HEY! It took the source statements out of the post! Even though they were in ""s.

Okay, this is what I did:

(source) except I used <> brackets

blah blah blah

Look! There! Up in the sky! It's Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
Use square brackets, duh.

[ source ] [ /source ] (minus the spaces).

I don''t know ASM well, so I can''t help you with that problem.
ooops! I guess I get the dummy award today!

Look! There! Up in the sky! It''s Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
Look! There! Up in the sky! It's Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
I would reccomend editing your first post to make your code much more readable... heh.

Valkyrias: Tears of Valkyries
-----------------------------Final Frontier Trader
I know barely any asm, but if it isn''t a hassle, you could create seperate error routines for each section it is possible to call it in, that way you narrow down where the error is occuring.

First, Mauling Monkey: I know where the error is occuring. It happens on the create statement. I just disabled the other error calls and narrowed it down.

Second, heres the code in a more readable format:

By the way: this is for TASM 3.1

  DOSSEG  .MODEL SMALl.STACK  200h.DATA	filename db "c:\tasm\texture.grp$"	handle dw 0	filemessage db "Error.$"	fileheader db "SG-texture"	tname db [9].CODESTART:	mov AH,3ch			;create the file	mov CL,0	mov DX,seg filename	mov DS,DX	mov DX,offset filename	int 21h	mov handle,AX	jnc cont3	call fileerror	cont3:	mov AH,40h			;write file header	mov BX,handle	mov CX,10	mov DX,seg fileheader	mov DS,DX	mov DX,offset fileheader	cmp AX,10	jz cont1	call fileerror	cont1:	mov BX,0			;get a texture name	getname:		mov AH,0		;get a keypress		int 16h		cmp AH,28		;check for enter		jz finishedgetname		cmp AH,0		;check for no character		jz getname		push AX			;print the character		mov DL,AL		mov AH,2		int 21h		pop AX		cmp AH,14		;check for backspace		jnz contgetname		dec BX		jmp getname		contgetname:		inc BX			;add the keypress to the name		cmp BX,10		jz finishedgetname		mov tname[BX],AL		jmp getname	finishedgetname:			mov AH,40h			;write the texture name	mov BX,handle	mov CX,10	mov DX,seg tname[0]	mov DS,DX	mov DX,offset tname[0]	int 21h	cmp AX,10	jz cont2	call fileerror	cont2:	endprog:	mov AH,3eh			;close the file	mov BX,handle	int 21h		mov AX,0003h			;end prog	int 10h	mov AX,4c00h	int 21hProc fileerror				;Dislay an error		mov AX,seg filemessage	;display file error message		mov DS,AX		mov DX,offset filemessage		mov AH,9		int 21h		mov AX,0		;wait for keypress		int 16h		jmp endprog		;end the programendp fileerrorEND START  

Please help! Again, I''m sure its somehting stupid, but I can''t find it.

Look! There! Up in the sky! It''s Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
Look! There! Up in the sky! It's Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!

  mov AH,3ch			;create the filemov CL,0	mov DX,seg filenamemov DS,DXmov DX,offset filenameint 21hmov handle,AXjnc cont3  

I assume you mean that section of code as your "create statement". According to my handy dandy assembly programmer''s guide, neither mov nor int instructions alter the carry flag, which is what jnc (Jump if No Carry) checks. So if you don''t alter the flag, I don''t know how you can check if the file was created successfully.

But again, if you say that the rest of your code is fine, I could be wrong.
Hmm, really? I always though that int did something, depending on the call that could change the carry flag. According to a tutorial I have with open/close/create file stuff in it, that should work. If the carry is set, then AX tells the file error. But it could be wrong. But I know something is amiss, because later in the program I try to write to the file, but it always has a size of 0 bytes, no matter what I do.

Look! There! Up in the sky! It''s Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!
Look! There! Up in the sky! It's Birdman! Da-du-du-daaaaah!

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