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0 comments, last by ogl2k 21 years, 6 months ago
Anybody knows how to get the texture coords of a vertex? I use getVert to get the position coords of the vertex and I thought that getTVert could work but it doesn´t. Any help?
Here''s a script I made along time ago...dumps alot of info to a file..maybe it could help you along.

  clearlistener()file = createfile "c:\\temp\\test.txt"b = for i in $* collect 	if (classof i == BoneGeometry) then i else dontcollectat time 0 if b.count > 0 then (print "<BONES>" to:fileprint b.count to:filecoordsys parent for i = 1 to b.count do (	print b[i].name to:file	print b[i].pos to:file	format "[%,%,%,%]\n" b[i].rotation.x b[i].rotation.y b[i].rotation.z b[i].rotation.w to:file)for i = 1 to b.count do(	try (		print b[i] to:file		)	catch (		print "<ROOT>" to:file		)))o = for i in $* collect 	if (classof i == Editable_mesh) then i else dontcollectat time 0 for i = 1 to o.count do (	print "<MESH>" to:file	print o[i].name	to:file	try (		print "<VERTS>" to:file		print o[i].NumVerts to:file		for v = 1 to o[i].NumVerts do (			print o[i].verts[v].pos to:file		)	)	catch (print "Error...")	try (		print "<FACES>" to:file		print o[i].NumFaces to:file		for f = 1 to o[i].numFaces do (			vi = getFace o[i] f			print vi to:file		)	)	catch (print "Error...")	try (		print "<TEXCOORDS>" to:file		print o[i].NumTVerts to:file		for v = 1 to o[i].NumTVerts do (			u = gettvert o[i] v			print u to:file		)	)	catch (print "Error...")	try (		print "<TEXFACES>" to:file		for f = 1 to o[i].NumFaces do (			ti = gettvface o[i] f			print ti to:file		)	)	catch (print "Error...")		if o[i].modifiers.count > 0 then (		if o[i].modifiers[1].name == "Skin" then (			s = o[i].modifiers[1]			max modify mode			modPanel.setCurrentObject s			tv = skinops.getNumberVertices s			if tv > 0 then (			print "<SKINWEIGHTS>" to:file			for v = 1 to tv do (				nb = skinops.getVertexWeightCount s v				for vb = 1 to nb do (					w = skinops.getVertexWeight s v vb					bID = skinops.getVertexWeightBoneID s v vb					bn = skinops.getBoneName s bID 1					format "[%,%,%]\n" v bn w to:file				)			)			print "<END>" to:file			)		)	)	m = o[i].material	if ((m != undefined) and (classof m == Standardmaterial)) then(		print "<MATERIAL>" to:file		format "[%,%,%]\n" m.diffuse.r m.diffuse.g m.diffuse.b to:file		format "[%,%,%]\n" m.ambient.r m.ambient.g m.ambient.b to:file		format "[%,%,%]\n" m.specular.r m.specular.g m.specular.b to:file				t = m.DiffuseMap		if ((t != undefined) and (classof t == Bitmaptexture)) then(			print t.filename to:file		)else(Print "<NONE>" to:file)	 	)	print "------------------------------------")s = for i in $Tape* collect iif s.count > 0 then (	print "<SPRING>" to:file	print (s.count / 2) to:file	for i = 1 to s.count by 2 do (		print s[i].pos to:file		print s[i+1].pos to:file	))o = for i in $* collect 	if (classof i == Point) then i else dontcollectif o.count > 0 then (	print "<POINTS>" to:file	print o.count to:file	for i = 1 to o.count do (		print o[i].pos to:file	))close file  

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