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5 comments, last by Pipo DeClown 21 years, 6 months ago
k, I know 3 color values for ambient(or diffuse blabla too?) 1) Light 2) Material 3) When you do SetRenderState( D3DRS_AMBIENT , ... ) So what do you see and are they all being used?
I really don''t understand your question. Are you asking what Ambient light is?
Oh sorry,
uhm, when you create light, you set the colors.
when you create material, you set the colors.
so which one is used, or are they combined?
and there is also a RenderState for ambient, which makes 3 ambient lights.
Ah, okay.

Well, in real life, when something is a certain colour, it is because the object reflects that color light to your eyes, and absorbs all the other colors. White objects reflect all light to your eyes, red objects only reflect red light to your eyes and absorbs all the other colours, and black objects absorb all light, so no light will be sent to your eyes.

The same is true in DirectX. DX lights can emit three colours of light: Red, Green, and Blue. (you can of course mix them for more colours). When you set a material, you set which color it reflects, and how much of it. So if I set a material with r=1.0 g=0.0 b=1.0, it will reflect all red and blue lights, but no green light. If I then shine on it with a white light-source (r=1.0 g=1.0 b=1.0), it will reflect the red light and the blue light, and do nothing with the green light, making the object look purple.
If the light source contained only red light, it would reflect that red light, and make the object appear red. The same goes for blue.
If you set a green light on it, however, the object will appear black, because it doesn''t do anything with green light.

So, in short: Light colors define what color your light will be, and material colors define what color light your object will reflect back to the camera. In essence, material colors define what color a material will look like.

Note that you have to tell materials which color they reflect for every type of light, so you have to define what color ambient light they reflect, what colour diffuse light, etc.

The AMBIENT renderstate sets ambient light. This can be thought of as the light that is -always- there, even when all your directional-, point- and spotlights are turned off. There is usually always a certain amount of light in a room, illuminating all polygons an equal amount. This is the ambient light. It is usually set to some gray-ish colour so that your scene doesn''t appear pitch black where there is no light.

REDLIGHT -> material( r=255 , g=0 , b=0 )-> Red reflection.

REDLIGHT -> material( r=0 , g=255 , b=0 )-> No reflection.

Is this true?
And why is in Direct3D the max colorvalue 1.0f?

Why it is 1.0f? Probably because there''s a huge range of values between 0.0f and 1.0f. They could''ve made it a char, but then you''d only have 255 different light levels. Still, you''d think an unsigned long int (which, like float, is also 4 bytes), which gives a range between 0 and 4,294,967,95 would be enough.

I guess it''s just easier to think of 0.0 as off and 1.0 as on. It''s easier to think about. If I want half light, I set 0.5. If I want a quarter of the full light, I set 0.25. It''s just thinking in percentages.
Useful properties of normalised floats:

0*0 = 0
0*1 = 0
1*0 = 0
1*1 = 1

compare 1*1 with 255*255. 1*1 preserves the value. Inside graphics hardware 0-255 is still treated as 0-1 (or more precisely what is essentially a divide takes place)

0*aValue = 0
1*aValue = aValue
-1*aValue = -aValue
255*aValue = not aValue, not 255
-255*aValue = not -aValue, not -255

Consider the range you get if you take a reciprocal: 1/aValue


In the context of per pixel operations etc, thinking in terms of 0-1 is handy.

Simon O''Connor
Creative Asylum Ltd

Simon O'Connor | Technical Director (Newcastle) Lockwood Publishing | LinkedIn | Personal site

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