ReadProcessMemory() under Win32

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3 comments, last by trzy 21 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I''ve been trying to write a utility to dump a process''s heap. I''ve tried using Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory() and ReadProcessMemory() (both take the same arguments) but whenever these functions executes, a debug error window pops up saying something like this: DAMAGE: after Normal block (#25) at 0x00780EA0. The function which actually dumps the memory is:

static int WriteBlockOut(FILE *fp, HEAPENTRY32 *h)
	byte	*buf;

	if (h->dwFlags & LF32_FREE)	// nothing in the block
		return 0;

	if ((buf = malloc(h->dwBlockSize)) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
		return 1;
	if (Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory(h->th32ProcessID, (void *) h->dwAddress, buf, h->dwBlockSize, NULL) == FALSE)
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to read process memory\n");
		return 1;

	fwrite(buf, sizeof(byte), h->dwBlockSize, fp);

	return 0;
For the complete source code (compiles as a console application under MSVC), check out Run it without any arguments on the command line to get a list of running processes. If you specify a process number in hex on the command line (heapdmp fffaf535), the program will attempt to dump the heap. Any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong? The functions I use are documented in the MSDN library. --- Bart
the .c file runs without any problems, msvc7 @ xp. are you sure this function is the one causing the problem?
It must be. If I comment it out, the program runs just fine (except that no heap data is read and written out to the file, of course.)

find the allocation number which gets corrupted and use _CrtSetBreakAlloc (or something like that) to break on that allocation.

just because commenting that function makes the problem go away doesn''t mean that that function is actually causing the problem; it may be just letting it surface.
I''m not very familiar with what my options are to debug this problem. Assuming I locate the problematic block, what can I do about it?

I''m not even completely confident in my method for scanning through the heap blocks of a given process.


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