Viewing memory address

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2 comments, last by HappyToLearnC 21 years, 6 months ago
Hi What casting I should use to make a pointer of any type prints to a MessageBox second parameter. For example struct sFrame{} sFrame *sFrame1; MessageBox(NULL,sFrame1,""MB_OK); Well, I want to know the memory location for sFrame1. ManyThanks
God is the greatest
You need to create a string with the address, not do a cast (unless you use boost::lexical_cast).

  #include <sstream>struct Foo {};Foo f;int main(){   // create an output string stream   std::ostringstream oss;   // write the address of f to the stream   oss << &f  // or possibly oss << (void*)&f   // extract the string from the stream,   // then pass it as a const char* string to MessageBox   MessageBox( NULL, oss.str().c_str(), "", MB_OK );   // clears the flags in oss (if the object is reused)   oss.clear();      // clear the string in oss (if the object is reused)   oss.str("");   };  

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Try using sprintf() and then passing the buffer that you got from that to the MessageBox().

I know printf() can do addresses so sprintf() should be able to also.

Er.. I just noticed the one above me says how to do it also...
Well, this is just a different way. Take your pick

[edited by - Soulkeeper on October 19, 2002 2:17:16 AM]
I'm learning, just like the best of us...Ok, now assume a spherical cow... :)
You are great

God is the greatest

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