Transparent graphics

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7 comments, last by Craazer 21 years, 5 months ago
Does any one know hove to make transparent effect like shadows? i dont have anyidea so just the basic idea of that helps.
Um, in what? In 3D? If that''s what you''re talking about then you want to create a texture with an alpha channel. The alpha channel determines the transparency of the image when it''s drawn.

quote:Original post by TheAIDSVirus
Um, in what? In 3D? If that''s what you''re talking about then you want to create a texture with an alpha channel. The alpha channel determines the transparency of the image when it''s drawn.


In 2D

And what i have heard 2D doesnt have that alpha channel, but is it bossible to draw transparent pixel or some technique to make it look like so?

Why wouldn''t 2D have an alpha channel? I don''t see how it would matter. Just make sure your image supports it. I personally use 32 bit TGA files w/ an alpha channel.
DirectDraw(2D) doesn''t support Alpha channels. Direct3D does, so if you use 3D to do 2D you can do it easily. Otherwise you have to hand code it all and it isn''t pretty.

Stay Casual,

Drunken Hyena
Stay Casual,KenDrunken Hyena
quote:Original post by DrunkenHyena
DirectDraw(2D) doesn''t support Alpha channels. Direct3D does, so if you use 3D to do 2D you can do it easily. Otherwise you have to hand code it all and it isn''t pretty.

Stay Casual,

Drunken Hyena

Yes then hand coding it will be!

whats the technique for it?
(i sure know howto draw pixels)

OOH another software alpha blender!

read the tutorials on this site:

should get you going. I''m doing this, and so are atleast one more I know of from these forums. I''m utterly stuck tho, but I''m getting help =D

Good luck, and share your results please

It''''s nice to be important, but it''''s more important to be nice.
Don't we all still remember and miss the day we plotted our first pixel?
Its not hard at all, its an option of when you create your texture...

What I do for 2d is use the sprite object, and just use its draw command with the images that I make and transparency works just fine =) I dont see whats so hard about it.

if Self.Transparent = true then        begin          if failed(D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExA(TheDevice,pChar(Self.FImageFileName) , 0, 0, 0, 0,                                          0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,                                          D3DX_FILTER_NONE, D3DX_FILTER_NONE,                                          Self.TransparentColor, NIL, NIL,Self.FImage ))          then                begin                  MessageBox(0, pChar(''Error creating texture'' + Self.FImageFileName), ''Error'', MB_ICONERROR);                  Application.Terminate;                end;        end;      if Self.Transparent = false then        begin          if failed(D3DXCreateTextureFromFileExA(TheDevice,pChar(Self.FIMageFileName) , 0, 0, 0, 0,                                          0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT,                                          D3DX_FILTER_NONE, D3DX_FILTER_NONE,                                          0, NIL, NIL,Self.FImage ))          then                begin                  MessageBox(0, pChar(''Error creating texture'' + Self.FImageFileName), ''Error'', MB_ICONERROR);                  Application.Terminate;                end; 

Thats delphi stuff of course but basically if my transparent property is true, it creates the texture with transparency, and it sets its colorkey to the transparent color property, very simple stuff.

Bobby BakerOmega Componentshttp://
Thank you for posts, i do my best.

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