This might be a long shot....but...

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2 comments, last by CpMan 21 years, 6 months ago
Ok, I have a little problem here. I have a .NET application here that I'm creating, and I want to link into a .lib of other classes (another piece of code that I'm working on). The library is unmanaged, and contains an extensive class hierarchy, single inheritance. The problem is that as soon as I include a header from an unmanaged class, the compiler stips junk. warning C4935: assembly access modified from public warning C4935: assembly access modified from public 'IDataObject' : ambiguous symbol could be Note that IData Object is not part of anything I wrote and the error occus in ObjIDl.h Note that this only happens if the class included is a derived class, a base class gives no errors. I did a little mor experimenting and rearranged the include orders. This may have helped, but it gives me another error: If I switch around the include order of the headers from #include "cAboutBox.h" #include "cMainForm.h" #include "cEngineBase.h" - here's the culprit header to #include "cEngineBase.h" - here's the culprit header #include "cAboutBox.h" #include "cMainForm.h" the old error goes away but the compiler complains it can't find function GetObjectA in ResourceManager, and then stops compilation. This error does not happen when the header is not included. Any ideas? Reality is Relative -Me and Probably somebody else [edited by - CpMan on October 21, 2002 9:45:30 PM]
VSEDebug Visual Studio.NET Add-In. Enhances debugging in ways never thought possible.
Sorry about the bump......really stuck on this one. Tried everything I can think of.....Oh don''t make port my engine to MC++.

Reality is Relative -Me and Probably somebody else
VSEDebug Visual Studio.NET Add-In. Enhances debugging in ways never thought possible.
Have you looked at this?
Yeah, a while back. I thought it would apply but all my child classes are derived as public. Furthermore, I think the sample code in the topic is only Managed C++. I''m mixing non-managed and managed, which is perfectly valid, acoording to the MC++ spec and docs. And as I said, the error goes away when reversing header include orders, but another, seemingly bogus error comes up (see below).

Reality is Relative -Me and Probably somebody else
VSEDebug Visual Studio.NET Add-In. Enhances debugging in ways never thought possible.

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