I've look everywhere and can't find good tutorials on 2D AI

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2 comments, last by alphacentric666 21 years, 5 months ago
I''m trying to make a Pac-Man clone on Win32 GDI(I know, I shouldn''t do that because Win GDI isn''t meant for game making and its slow and all of that, blah, blah, blah) and I''m wondering how....where do I start to create AI? "A programmer being told to ''''go to'''' hell sees the ''''go to'''' part of the sentence as the bad part."
"A programmer being told to ''go to'' hell sees the ''go to'' part of the sentence as the bad part."
First of all, thing in natural language (aka "in your own words") what do you want the ghosts to do. Like

- If Mr.Pac has power up escape from him

Then try to solve the single problems. Shouldn''t be difficult. Any way if your question is "What should I read or try to find in the books and Inet?" I think the best you can do is to try with Finite State Machines...

Hope it helps.
There is nothing wrong with using the Windows GDI to write a game. I''ve written all kinds of stuff using GDI and it runs well.

Hey I''m making a Bomberman game using the GDI and I think it''s a great way of understanding the windows API better, which always helps. And I know it''ll work on any windows based machine, even slow ones with no hardware acceleration (any 2D stuff i did with OpenGL was impossibly slow on non-accelerated machines).

About your AI question go to aboutAI.net and scroll down a bit you''ll find Game AI. There read about the A* algorithm which is just what you need for your Pacman game.

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