Where the mouse is pointing?

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5 comments, last by NnN 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi, Is there away to know where the mouse is pointing without having any of it buttons pressed?? Thank you!
You could use the function GetCursorPos().
How do I use GetCursorPos in an OpenGL program? (I have no experience in windows programming) I tried to call it in the mouse function and made my test on the pointer.x & pointer.y to see if they are in some area then I wanted to display something (in the display function depending on some boolean variables changed after testing pointer.x & .y) but it didn''t work, Any help?
Hard to say - might be something else going wrong. One thing to keep in mind is that GetCursorPos always returns coordinates in screen space - maybe you''re testing locations in a different coordinate system (client space, your own OpenGL coords, etc)?
Find what it is at program start, and any changes keep track of what the new position is. I think anytime you change the video mode, the mouse re-centers. Just a though, I haven''t payed that much attention.
"Ogun's Laughter Is No Joke!!!" - Ogun Kills On The Right, A Nigerian Poem.
I''ve fixed my program so now when I point the mouse where I want it to be it makes everything good except one problem.. Flickering!! It''s flickering really bad because I added glutPostRedisplay(); after the condition for checking the mouse coordinate so it will actullay show the result.. If I remove glutPostRedisplay(); there will be no flickering but it wouldn''t show the changes I want it to make. So is there a better way to do this??
Thank you!
i never use glutPostRedisplay
but anyways just keep track of where the mouse is like so

int global_mouse_pos_x;

void mouse_move( int x, inty ) // this is the glut callback
global_mouse_pos_x = x;

i believe there r 3 mouse callbacks possible.
passive mouse, mouse move with a button, mouse event


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