MFC and Tab controls

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2 comments, last by Javelin 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi I want to build a dialog with a tab control in it. I''we derived my own classes from CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage and got it to work. The problem is that now when I''m going to update and/or store data in the pages things grow more and more complex. Therefore I want to use a simple CTabCtrl since I think it would fit better with what I want to do. Can I add pages as resources into my tab control in a similar way as with the property control or do I have to build all the pages on top of the tabcontrol and activate/show the different things that shall be on that page? The last thing feels like a big no-no... Any sugestions? Thanks // Javelin -- Why do something today when you can do it tomorrow... --
// Javelin// Assumption is the mother of all fuckups...
I build my own tab pages in resource editor and activate ie. show/hide them in code. I tried using the property sheet but that''s only for dialog boxes, my tabs are embeded inside my control panel in an editor. You need to shrink the dlg boxes that make up your pages when you add more tabs otherwise the dlg boxes get pushed down and some text/controls might not be visible. I resize them in resource editor, though I think you can do it in code as well, but then you need to resize controls in code as well. In MFC, you need to pass in parent dlg box pointer that houses the tabs and pages to each child page, I think to get the ownership working.

Hmmm... so you are using a new dialog for each page in your tab control? Did I got that correct?

My tabctrl is in a dialog, but I think it''s best if I build it by my own anyway and not using a property sheet.

Do you have to build your own handler that changes the pages? (I guess I have).


// Javelin
-- Why do something today when you can do it tomorrow... --
// Javelin// Assumption is the mother of all fuckups...
Yes, I build new dlg resource for each tab. I have written my own handler that switches between the pages. Here''s the code:


  #if !defined(AFX_CTRLPANEL_H__8305B660_0141_11D6_9E6F_AFE5C813E54C__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_CTRLPANEL_H__8305B660_0141_11D6_9E6F_AFE5C813E54C__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000// CtrlPanel.h : header file//// Forward declarationsclass CellPage;class CameraPage;class TexturePage;class TextureAdjPage;class LightsPage;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CtrlPanel windowclass CtrlPanel : public CTabCtrl{public:// Enums// Zero based indices of tabs in control panel, tabs go in order// as named i.e. 0 index is first tab// NOTE: Initialized in constructor in cpp fileconst int CELL_TAB;const int TEXTURE_TAB;const int CAMERA_TAB;const int TEXTUREADJ_TAB;const int LIGHTS_TAB;// Shrinks page so it fits inside ctrl panel boxconst int SHRINK_VALUE;// Operations			CtrlPanel();	virtual ~CtrlPanel();	BOOL Create(CDialogBar& DlgBar);	// Attributes// Overrides	// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides	//{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CtrlPanel)	//}}AFX_VIRTUALprotected:// Operations	BOOL CreateTabs();	BOOL CreatePages();// Datapublic:	CellPage		*m_pCellPage;	CameraPage		*m_pCameraPage;	TexturePage		*m_pTexturePage;	TextureAdjPage	*m_pTextureAdjPage;	LightsPage		*m_pLightsPage;protected:	CFont m_TabFont;// Generated message map functions	//{{AFX_MSG(CtrlPanel)	afx_msg void OnSelchange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);	afx_msg void OnSelchanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);	//}}AFX_MSG	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()};///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}}// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.#endif // !defined(AFX_CTRLPANEL_H__8305B660_0141_11D6_9E6F_AFE5C813E54C__INCLUDED_)  

  // CtrlPanel.cpp : implementation file//#include "stdafx.h"#include "MfcEditor.h"#include "CtrlPanel.h"#include "CellPage.h"#include "CameraPage.h"#include "TexturePage.h"#include "TextureAdjPage.h"#include "LightsPage.h"#include "GlobalTypes.h"#ifdef _DEBUG#define new DEBUG_NEW#undef THIS_FILEstatic char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;#endif/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CtrlPanelCtrlPanel::CtrlPanel():CELL_TAB(0),TEXTURE_TAB(1),CAMERA_TAB(2),TEXTUREADJ_TAB(3),LIGHTS_TAB(4),SHRINK_VALUE(5)// Pixels{	m_pCellPage			= NULL;	m_pCameraPage		= NULL;	m_pTexturePage		= NULL;	m_pTextureAdjPage	= NULL;}CtrlPanel::~CtrlPanel(){	if(m_pCellPage)	{		delete m_pCellPage;		m_pCellPage = NULL;	}	if(m_pCameraPage)	{		delete m_pCameraPage;		m_pCameraPage = NULL;	}	if(m_pTexturePage)	{		delete m_pTexturePage;		m_pTexturePage = NULL;	}	if(m_pTextureAdjPage)	{		delete m_pTextureAdjPage;		m_pTextureAdjPage = NULL;	}	if(m_pLightsPage)	{		delete m_pLightsPage;		m_pLightsPage = NULL;	}}BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CtrlPanel, CTabCtrl)	//{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CtrlPanel)	ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TCN_SELCHANGE, OnSelchange)	ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TCN_SELCHANGING, OnSelchanging)	//}}AFX_MSG_MAPEND_MESSAGE_MAP()/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CtrlPanel message handlersBOOL CtrlPanel::Create(CDialogBar& DlgBar){	// Create the control panel(derived from CTabCtrl), a child of dialog bar. 	// Make it the size of the group box resource that''s placed on top	// of ctrl panel dialog bar(and is part of) in resource editor	CRect Rc;		CStatic* pAlignWnd = (CStatic*)DlgBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_CTRLPANEL_ALIGN_RECT);	if(!pAlignWnd)		return FALSE;	pAlignWnd->GetWindowRect(&Rc);	DlgBar.ScreenToClient(&Rc);	if(!CTabCtrl::Create(TCS_TABS|TCS_MULTILINE|WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, Rc, &DlgBar, IDC_CTRLPANEL))		return FALSE;		// Enumerate the fonts first to see what''s available on the machine	LOGFONT LogFont;	CFontMaker FontMaker;	FontMaker.EnumFont(LogFont, "Arial", 14, TRUE, TRUE);	// IMPORTANT!!! Can''t create local font variable because the font	// object must persist until control is destroyed (see article ID:Q85518 in 	// msdn docs)	if(!m_TabFont.CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont))		return FALSE;				SetFont(&m_TabFont, FALSE);		// Populate the control panel with pages	if(!CreateTabs())		return FALSE;		// Make the cell page the first visible page upon application start	SetCurSel(CELL_TAB);	m_pCellPage->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);	m_pCameraPage->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);	// Everything went ok	return TRUE;}BOOL CtrlPanel::CreateTabs(){	int iRv;	TCITEM Tab;	Tab.mask = TCIF_TEXT;		Tab.pszText	= "Cell";	iRv = InsertItem(CELL_TAB, &Tab);			if(-1 == iRv)		return FALSE;		Tab.pszText = "Textures";	iRv = InsertItem(TEXTURE_TAB, &Tab);						if(-1 == iRv)		return FALSE;		Tab.pszText = "Camera";	iRv = InsertItem(CAMERA_TAB, &Tab);						if(-1 == iRv)		return FALSE;		Tab.pszText = "Texture adjust";	iRv = InsertItem(TEXTUREADJ_TAB, &Tab);						if(-1 == iRv)		return FALSE;		Tab.pszText = "Lights";	iRv = InsertItem(LIGHTS_TAB, &Tab);						if(-1 == iRv)		return FALSE;	// Create page for each tab	if(!CreatePages())		return FALSE;	// Everything went ok	return TRUE;}/*Purpose:	Creates a page for each tab. The pages are dialog boxes.			Called from CreateTabs()			Entry:		Exit:*/BOOL CtrlPanel::CreatePages(){	m_pCellPage = new CellPage(this);	if(!m_pCellPage)	{		ASSERT(0);		return FALSE;	}		m_pCameraPage = new CameraPage(this);	if(!m_pCameraPage)	{		ASSERT(0);		return FALSE;	}		m_pTexturePage = new TexturePage(this);	if(!m_pTexturePage)	{		ASSERT(0);		return FALSE;	}		m_pTextureAdjPage = new TextureAdjPage(this);	if(!m_pTextureAdjPage)	{		ASSERT(0);		return FALSE;	}		m_pLightsPage = new LightsPage(this);	if(!m_pLightsPage)	{		ASSERT(0);		return FALSE;	}	return TRUE;}/*Purpose:	Handle tab changes i.e. hide current page and display new pageEntry:		These are reflected messages of tab controlExit:*/void CtrlPanel::OnSelchange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here	int i = GetCurSel();	if(i != -1)	{		if(CELL_TAB == i)			m_pCellPage->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);									if(CAMERA_TAB == i)			m_pCameraPage->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);				if(TEXTURE_TAB == i)			m_pTexturePage->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);				if(TEXTUREADJ_TAB == i)			m_pTextureAdjPage->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);				if(LIGHTS_TAB == i)			m_pLightsPage->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);								}	*pResult = 0;}void CtrlPanel::OnSelchanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here	int i = GetCurSel();	if(i != -1)	{		if(CELL_TAB == i)			m_pCellPage->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);							if(CAMERA_TAB == i)			m_pCameraPage->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);							if(TEXTURE_TAB == i)			m_pTexturePage->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);							if(TEXTUREADJ_TAB == i)			m_pTextureAdjPage->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);						if(LIGHTS_TAB == i)			m_pLightsPage->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);							}	*pResult = 0;}  

One page in ctrlpanel:

  #if !defined(AFX_LIGHTSPAGE_H__F358CD80_63FC_11D6_9E6F_B25C054B7542__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_LIGHTSPAGE_H__F358CD80_63FC_11D6_9E6F_B25C054B7542__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000// LightsPage.h : header file//#include "GlobalTypes.h"// Forward declarationsclass CtrlPanel;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LightsPage dialogclass LightsPage : public CDialog{// Constructionpublic:	LightsPage(CtrlPanel *pParent);   // standard constructor// Attributes	A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR	GetColor();	void				SetColor(A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR &Clr);	A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR&	GetAmbientColor(){return m_AmbientColor;}		CRenderer::LIGHT	GetCurLightType();	// Cur = current or selected	void				SetCurLightType(int Type);		char			GetSpotlightConeHalfAngle(){return m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle;}	void			ShowNewSpotlightConeHalfangle(float fAngle);protected:// Dialog Data	//{{AFX_DATA(LightsPage)	enum { IDD = IDD_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE };	CEdit	m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleEdit;	CSpinButtonCtrl	m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleSpinner;	CStatic	m_cSpotClr;	CStatic	m_cPointClr;	CStatic	m_cDirectClr;	CStatic	m_cAmbientClr;	CButton	m_cSpotBtn;	CButton	m_cPointBtn;	CButton	m_cDirectBtn;	CButton m_cAmbientBtn;	//}}AFX_DATA// Overrides	void OnOK();	void OnCancel();	// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides	//{{AFX_VIRTUAL(LightsPage)	protected:	virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support	//}}AFX_VIRTUAL// Implementationprotected:	template<class T, class C> void z_DrawColor(T &Ctrl, C &Clr);	void z_SetColor();// Data	CtrlPanel *m_pCtrlPanel; // Don''t free it		A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR m_PointColor, m_SpotColor, m_DirectColor, m_AmbientColor;		char m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin, m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax, m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle;	// Generated message map functions	//{{AFX_MSG(LightsPage)	virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();	afx_msg HBRUSH OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor);	afx_msg void OnPointcolor();	afx_msg void OnSpotcolor();	afx_msg void OnDirectcolor();	afx_msg void OnAmbientcolor();	afx_msg void OnDeltaposConeHalfangleSpinner(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);	//}}AFX_MSG	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()};//{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}}// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.#endif // !defined(AFX_LIGHTSPAGE_H__F358CD80_63FC_11D6_9E6F_B25C054B7542__INCLUDED_)  

  // LightsPage.cpp : implementation file//#include "stdafx.h"#include "MfcEditor.h"#include "CtrlPanel.h"#include "LightsPage.h"#include "MainFrm.h"#ifdef _DEBUG#define new DEBUG_NEW#undef THIS_FILEstatic char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;#endif/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LightsPage dialogLightsPage::LightsPage(CtrlPanel *pParent)	: CDialog(LightsPage::IDD, (CWnd*)pParent){	//{{AFX_DATA_INIT(LightsPage)	//}}AFX_DATA_INIT	m_pCtrlPanel = pParent;		// All lights except ambient have white default color	m_PointColor.ubRed = m_PointColor.ubGreen = m_PointColor.ubBlue = 255;	m_SpotColor		= m_PointColor;	m_DirectColor	= m_PointColor; 		m_AmbientColor.ubRed = m_AmbientColor.ubGreen = m_AmbientColor.ubBlue = 0;		m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin		= 1;	m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax		= 89;	m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle	= 45;	// Create modeless page dialog box	VERIFY(CDialog::Create(IDD, (CWnd*)pParent));}void LightsPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX){	CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);	//{{AFX_DATA_MAP(LightsPage)	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT, m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleEdit);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_SPINNER, m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleSpinner);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_SPOTCOLOR, m_cSpotClr);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_POINTCOLOR, m_cPointClr);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_DIRECTCOLOR, m_cDirectClr);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_AMBIENTCOLOR, m_cAmbientClr);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_SPOTLIGHTBTN, m_cSpotBtn);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_POINTLIGHTBTN, m_cPointBtn);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_DIRECTLIGHTBTN, m_cDirectBtn);	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_AMBIENTLIGHTBTN, m_cAmbientBtn);	//}}AFX_DATA_MAP}BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(LightsPage, CDialog)	//{{AFX_MSG_MAP(LightsPage)	ON_WM_CTLCOLOR()	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_POINTCOLOR, OnPointcolor)	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_SPOTCOLOR, OnSpotcolor)	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_DIRECTCOLOR, OnDirectcolor)	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_AMBIENTCOLOR, OnAmbientcolor)	ON_NOTIFY(UDN_DELTAPOS, IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_SPINNER, OnDeltaposConeHalfangleSpinner)	//}}AFX_MSG_MAPEND_MESSAGE_MAP()/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LightsPage message handlersBOOL LightsPage::OnInitDialog() {	CDialog::OnInitDialog();		// TODO: Add extra initialization here		// Make point light the default selected light	SetCurLightType(CRenderer::POINT);			// Disable direct color since it isn''t implemented yet	m_cDirectBtn.EnableWindow(FALSE);	m_cDirectClr.EnableWindow(FALSE);	// Init spotlight''s cone halfangle and set its range	SetDlgItemInt(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT, m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle, FALSE);	m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleSpinner.SetRange(m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin, m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax);	// Resize the dialog box so the top doesn''t interfere with tab on 	// the page	CRect Rc, NewRc;			VERIFY(m_pCtrlPanel->GetItemRect(m_pCtrlPanel->LIGHTS_TAB, &Rc));	GetClientRect(&NewRc);		int iRowCount = m_pCtrlPanel->GetRowCount(); += (Rc.Height() * iRowCount) + m_pCtrlPanel->SHRINK_VALUE; 	NewRc.bottom -= m_pCtrlPanel->SHRINK_VALUE; 	NewRc.left += m_pCtrlPanel->SHRINK_VALUE;	NewRc.right -= m_pCtrlPanel->SHRINK_VALUE;	MoveWindow(&NewRc, FALSE);	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control	              // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE}/*Purpose:	Traps Escape and Return keys so they don''t shutdown the lights dialog boxEntry:Exit:*/void LightsPage::OnCancel(){}void LightsPage::OnOK(){	// On stroke of enter key will update all edit controls that user changed through typing	CDocument *pDoc = ((MainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetActiveDocument();		ASSERT(pDoc);		App *pApp = (App*)AfxGetApp();	ASSERT(pApp);	if(m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleEdit.GetModify())	{		pDoc->SetModifiedFlag();		m_cSpotlightConeHalfangleEdit.SetModify();				UINT Angle = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT);		if(Angle >= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin && Angle <= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax)		{								m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle = Angle;						// Update cone half-angle of all selected spotlights//			pApp->m_CellSelector.ScaleSpotlightCone((float)Angle);				((MainFrame*)GetParentFrame())->RepaintView(EditorView::ALL);		}		else		{			// Can''t have a negative or <= 0 angle since edit ctrl property limits this			if(Angle > m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax)			{												SetDlgItemInt(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT,					m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax, FALSE);								m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle = m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax;								// Update cone half-angle of all selected spotlights//				pApp->m_CellSelector.ScaleSpotlightCone((float)m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle);						((MainFrame*)GetParentFrame())->RepaintView(EditorView::ALL);			}			else			{				if(Angle <= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin)				{													SetDlgItemInt(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT,						m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin, FALSE);									m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle = m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin;									// Update cone half-angle of all selected spotlights//					pApp->m_CellSelector.ScaleSpotlightCone((float)m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle);							((MainFrame*)GetParentFrame())->RepaintView(EditorView::ALL);				}			}		}	}}/*Purpose:	Update the current spotlight''s cone half-angle as well as change the angle of			existing selected spotlights in real-timeEntry:Exit:*/void LightsPage::OnDeltaposConeHalfangleSpinner(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {	NM_UPDOWN* pNMUpDown = (NM_UPDOWN*)pNMHDR;	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here		CDocument *pDoc = ((MainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetActiveDocument();		ASSERT(pDoc);		App *pApp = (App*)AfxGetApp();	ASSERT(pApp);	UINT Angle = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT);		if(pNMUpDown->iDelta < 0)	{		if(Angle <= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin)			Angle = m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin;		else			Angle -= 1;	}	else	{		if(Angle >= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax)			Angle = m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax;		else			Angle += 1;	}		ASSERT(Angle >= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMin);	ASSERT(Angle <= m_SpotlightConeHalfangleMax);	m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle = Angle;//	pApp->m_CellSelector.ScaleSpotlightCone((float)Angle);			pDoc->SetModifiedFlag();	((MainFrame*)GetParentFrame())->RepaintView(EditorView::ALL);		*pResult = 0;}/*Purpose:	Determines which light type is currently selected and returns the typeEntry:Exit:		Type of light, one of point, spot or direct type */CRenderer::LIGHT LightsPage::GetCurLightType(){	CRenderer::LIGHT Type;	if(m_cPointBtn.GetCheck() == 1)		Type = CRenderer::POINT;	else		if(m_cSpotBtn.GetCheck() == 1)			Type = CRenderer::SPOT;		else			if(m_cDirectBtn.GetCheck() == 1)				Type = CRenderer::DIRECT;			else				if(m_cAmbientBtn.GetCheck() == 1)					Type = CRenderer::AMBIENT;	return Type;}void LightsPage::SetCurLightType(int Type){	if(CRenderer::POINT == Type)	{		m_cPointBtn.SetCheck(1);		m_cSpotBtn.SetCheck(0);		m_cDirectBtn.SetCheck(0);		m_cAmbientBtn.SetCheck(0);	}			else	{		if(CRenderer::SPOT == Type)		{			m_cPointBtn.SetCheck(0);			m_cSpotBtn.SetCheck(1);			m_cDirectBtn.SetCheck(0);			m_cAmbientBtn.SetCheck(0);		}		else		{			if(CRenderer::DIRECT == Type)			{				m_cPointBtn.SetCheck(0);				m_cSpotBtn.SetCheck(0);				m_cDirectBtn.SetCheck(1);				m_cAmbientBtn.SetCheck(0);			}			else			{				if(CRenderer::AMBIENT == Type)				{					m_cPointBtn.SetCheck(0);					m_cSpotBtn.SetCheck(0);					m_cDirectBtn.SetCheck(0);					m_cAmbientBtn.SetCheck(1);					}			}		}	}}/*Purpose:	Returns the color of the selected lightEntry:Exit:*/A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR LightsPage::GetColor(){	A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR Color;	if(m_cPointBtn.GetCheck() == 1)		Color = m_PointColor;	else		if(m_cSpotBtn.GetCheck() == 1)			Color = m_SpotColor;		else			if(m_cDirectBtn.GetCheck() == 1)				Color = m_DirectColor;			else				if(m_cAmbientBtn.GetCheck() == 1)					Color = m_AmbientColor;	return Color;}void LightsPage::SetColor(A_ENG_BYTE_COLOR &Clr){	if(m_cPointBtn.GetCheck() == 1)	{		m_PointColor = Clr;		z_DrawColor(m_cPointClr, Clr);	}	else	{		if(m_cSpotBtn.GetCheck() == 1)		{			m_SpotColor = Clr;			z_DrawColor(m_cSpotClr, Clr);		}		else		{			if(m_cDirectBtn.GetCheck() == 1)			{				m_DirectColor = Clr;				z_DrawColor(m_cDirectClr, Clr);			}			else			{				if(m_cAmbientBtn.GetCheck() == 1)				{					m_AmbientColor = Clr;					z_DrawColor(m_cAmbientClr, Clr);				}			}		}	}}/*Purpose:	Redraws backround of a color stripe static controlEntry:Exit:		Must use ::CreateSolidBrush() win32 function, MFC brush object won''t work*/HBRUSH LightsPage::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) {	HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);	HBRUSH hNewBrush = NULL;	// TODO: Change any attributes of the DC here	if(pWnd->m_hWnd == m_cPointClr.m_hWnd)		hNewBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(m_PointColor.ubRed, m_PointColor.ubGreen, m_PointColor.ubBlue));	else		if(pWnd->m_hWnd == m_cSpotClr.m_hWnd)			hNewBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(m_SpotColor.ubRed, m_SpotColor.ubGreen, m_SpotColor.ubBlue));					else			if(pWnd->m_hWnd == m_cDirectClr.m_hWnd)				hNewBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(m_DirectColor.ubRed, m_DirectColor.ubGreen, m_DirectColor.ubBlue));						else				if(pWnd->m_hWnd == m_cAmbientClr.m_hWnd)					hNewBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(m_AmbientColor.ubRed, m_AmbientColor.ubGreen, m_AmbientColor.ubBlue));					// TODO: Return a different brush if the default is not desired	hbr = hNewBrush;	return hbr;}/*Purpose:	Opens up color picker dialog box for the currently selected light type			User is able to change color of lightEntry:Exit:		*/void LightsPage::OnPointcolor() {	// Init color dlg box with light''s existing color	CColorDialog ClrDlg(		RGB(m_PointColor.ubRed, m_PointColor.ubGreen, m_PointColor.ubBlue),		CC_FULLOPEN);			// Make dlg box visible on the screen	if(IDOK == ClrDlg.DoModal())	{		COLORREF Color = ClrDlg.GetColor();					m_PointColor.ubRed		= GetRValue(Color);		m_PointColor.ubGreen	= GetGValue(Color);		m_PointColor.ubBlue		= GetBValue(Color);		z_DrawColor(m_cPointClr, m_PointColor);		z_SetColor();	}}void LightsPage::OnSpotcolor() {	// Init color dlg box with light''s existing color	CColorDialog ClrDlg(		RGB(m_SpotColor.ubRed, m_SpotColor.ubGreen, m_SpotColor.ubBlue),		CC_FULLOPEN);			// Make dlg box visible on the screen	if(IDOK == ClrDlg.DoModal())	{		COLORREF Color = ClrDlg.GetColor();					m_SpotColor.ubRed	= GetRValue(Color);		m_SpotColor.ubGreen	= GetGValue(Color);		m_SpotColor.ubBlue	= GetBValue(Color);		z_DrawColor(m_cSpotClr, m_SpotColor);		z_SetColor();	}			}void LightsPage::OnDirectcolor() {	// Init color dlg box with light''s existing color	CColorDialog ClrDlg(		RGB(m_DirectColor.ubRed, m_DirectColor.ubGreen, m_DirectColor.ubBlue),		CC_FULLOPEN);			// Make dlg box visible on the screen	if(IDOK == ClrDlg.DoModal())	{		COLORREF Color = ClrDlg.GetColor();					m_DirectColor.ubRed		= GetRValue(Color);		m_DirectColor.ubGreen	= GetGValue(Color);		m_DirectColor.ubBlue	= GetBValue(Color);			z_DrawColor(m_cDirectClr, m_DirectColor);		z_SetColor();	}}void LightsPage::OnAmbientcolor() {				// Init color dlg box with light''s existing color	CColorDialog ClrDlg(		RGB(m_AmbientColor.ubRed, m_AmbientColor.ubGreen, m_AmbientColor.ubBlue),		CC_FULLOPEN);			// Make dlg box visible on the screen	if(IDOK == ClrDlg.DoModal())	{		COLORREF Color = ClrDlg.GetColor();				m_AmbientColor.ubRed	= GetRValue(Color);		m_AmbientColor.ubGreen	= GetGValue(Color);		m_AmbientColor.ubBlue	= GetBValue(Color);		z_DrawColor(m_cAmbientClr, m_AmbientColor);		z_SetColor();	}}template<class T, class C>void LightsPage::z_DrawColor(T &Ctrl, C &Clr){	CRect rc;	Ctrl.GetClientRect(rc);	CDC *pDC = Ctrl.GetDC();	ASSERT(pDC);		pDC->FillSolidRect(rc, RGB(Clr.ubRed, Clr.ubGreen, Clr.ubBlue));	ReleaseDC(pDC);	}/*Purpose:	Sets color of selected cells based on currently selected light type and its colorEntry:Exit:*/void LightsPage::z_SetColor(){	App *pApp = (App*)AfxGetApp();	MainFrame *pFrame = (MainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();	if(!pApp || !pFrame)	{		ASSERT(pApp);		ASSERT(pFrame);		return;	}	//	pApp->m_CellSelector.SetCellColor(GetColor(), GetCurLightType());			// Redraw all windows and mark document as modified	pFrame->RepaintView(EditorView::ALL);	pFrame->GetActiveDocument()->SetModifiedFlag();}/*Purpose:	Display new spotlight''s cone half-angle based on currently selected spotlightEntry:Exit:*/void LightsPage::ShowNewSpotlightConeHalfangle(float fAngle){	MainFrame *pFrame = (MainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();		if(!pFrame)	{		ASSERT(pFrame);		return;	}	m_CurrentSpotlightConeHalfangle = fAngle;	SetDlgItemInt(IDC_CTRLPANEL_LIGHTSPAGE_CONEHALFANGLE_EDIT, (UINT)fAngle, FALSE);	pFrame->GetActiveDocument()->SetModifiedFlag();}  

Inspect the constructors because they''re modified.

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