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21 comments, last by Zeraan 21 years, 4 months ago
I''m aware of that, but I don''t have any idea how to fix the problem. Maybe I need to flush the keyboard buffer? Is there a way to do that with DirectInput or do I have to do it with stdio''s fflush(stdin)?

Thanks for the compliment
I dunno I''m just starting to learn openGL myself I haven''t even touched DirectX yet.

I''m still using WndProc to get input...
I noted that in Beyaan that you have included the flying saucer in the art file but I haven''t seen it in the game.
Have you already programmed the Flying Saucer? Or haven''t I reached that level yet?

After all I''m the artist of that Alien beauty hehe

Developing a iso-tile 2D RPG with skills, weapons, and adventure. See my old Hex-Tile RPG GAME, character editor, diary, 3D Art resources at Check out my web-site

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