What do you think of my future ninja lib?

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-1 comments, last by lapougnou 21 years, 4 months ago
I''m beginning to write a little scenegraph library. I just write the header and I decided to give it an OpenGL-like interface.
typedef char NINJAbyte;
typedef short NINJAshort;
typedef int NINJAint;
typedef unsigned char NINJAubyte;
typedef unsigned short NINJAushort;
typedef unsigned int NINJAuint;

typedef float NINJAfloat;
typedef double NINJAdouble;

typedef NINJAint NINJAscene;

typedef NINJAint NINJAentity;

typedef enum


///Create a Ninja3D scene

\return scene handle
extern NINJAscene ninjaCreateScene();

///Load a Ninja3D scene
\param filename file from which the scene must be loaded
\return scene handle
extern NINJAscene ninjaLoadScene(char *filename);

///Free the memory used by a scene and all of his entities
\param scene scene handle
extern void ninjaFreeScene(NINJAscene scene);

///Set the current scene
The last created scene is automatically binded.
\param scene scene handle
extern void ninjaBindScene(NINJAscene scene);

///return the number of entities in a scene
\return number of entities in a scene
extern NINJAint ninjaGetNumEntity();

///retrieve an entity
\param num identity the entity (from 0 to ninjaGetNumEntity-1)
\return entity handle
extern NINJAentity ninjaGetEntity(NINJAint num);

///update scene animations and states
\param scene scene handle
extern void ninjaUpdateScene();

///draw scene on screen
extern void ninjaDrawScene();

///Create an entity
The entity is added to the current scene.
\return entity handle
extern NINJAentity ninjaCreateEntity();

///call freeing callback and destroy the entity
\param entity entity handle
extern void ninjaFreeEntity(NINJAentity entity);

///Select the current entity
The last created entity is automatically binded.
\param entity entity handle
extern void ninjaBindEntity(NINJAentity entity);

///Create a copy of an entity
\param entity entity handle to be cloned
\return the clone of the entity
extern NINJAentity ninjaCloneEntity(NINJAentity entity);

///Set a clonable value for an entity
A clonable value is copied when ninjaCloneEntity is called.
\param key a key to identity the value, negative key are reserved by ninja3D
\param value pointer to the value associated to key
extern void ninjaEntitySetClonableValue(NINJAint key, void *value);

///Return a clonable value for an entity
A clonable value is copied when ninjaCloneEntity is called.
\param key a key to identity the value, negative key are reserved by ninja3D
\return the value associated to key
extern void *ninjaEntityGetClonableValue(NINJAint key);

///Set a non clonable value for an entity
This values are not copied when ninjaCloneEntity is called.
\param key a key to identity the value, negative key are reserved by ninja3D
\param value the value associated to key
extern void ninjaEntitySetValue(NINJAint key, void *value);

///Return a non clonable value for an entity
A non clonable value is not copied when ninjaCloneEntity is called.
\param key a key to identity the value, negative key are reserved by ninja3D
\return the value associated to key
extern void *ninjaEntityGetValue(NINJAint key);

typedef enum
	} NINJAentityenum;

///enable an entity feature
\param param feature
extern void ninjaEntityEnable(NINJAentityenum param);

///disable an entity feature
\param param feature
extern void ninjaEntityDisable(NINJAentityenum param);

///retrieve the state of an entity feature
\param param feature
\return state of the feature
extern NINJAbool ninjaEntityGet(NINJAentityenum param);
For the communication between ninja lib and entity code, I hesitate between
typedef enum

typedef void (* NINJAentityEventFunc)(NINJAentityEvent event, ...);

extern void ninjaSetEntityEventFunc(NINJAentityEventFunc func);

///retrieve an orientation vector of an entity

\param v vector selector
\param pos must be an array of 3 NINJAfloat, the function write the vector in it
extern void ninjaEntityGetVector(NINJAentityvector v, NINJAfloat *pos);

///set an orientation vector of an entity
\param v vector selector
\param pos must be an array of 3 NINJAfloat
extern void ninjaEntitySetVector(NINJAentityvector v, NINJAfloat *pos);

///Result of collision detection functions
typedef enum
	NINJA_COLLISION_OUTSIDE=0,//<the object is entiterely outside the bounding volume
		NINJA_COLLISION_INSIDE,//<the object is entiterely inside the bounding volume
		NINJA_COLLISION_INTERSECT//<the object is a bit inside and a bit outside the bounding volume

///function prototype for drawing an entity
\param scene scene handle
\param entity entity handle
typedef void (*NINJAentityDrawFunc)();

///callback called before NINJAentityDrawFunc
\param scene scene handle
\param entity entity handle
typedef void (*NINJAentityPreDrawFunc)();

///callback called after NINJAentityDrawFunc
\param scene scene handle
\param entity entity handle
typedef void (*NINJAentityPostDrawFunc)();

///callback called to update states of an entity
\param scene scene handle
\param entity entity handle
typedef void (*NINJAentityUpdateFunc)();

///callback called to update animations of an entity
typedef void (*NINJAentityAnimateFunc)();

///function prototype for collision detection between a sphere and an entity
\param sphere the 3 first NINJAfloat are the center of the sphere and the last one is his radius
\return result of the collision detection
typedef NINJAcollision (*NINJAentityCollisionWithSphereFunc)(NINJAfloat (*sphere)[4]);

///function prototype for collision detection between an axis aligned bounding box (aabb) and an entity
\param aabb 8 points defining the aabb
\return result of the collision detection
typedef NINJAcollision (*NINJAentityCollisionWithAABBFunc)(NINJAfloat (*aabb)[8][3]);

///callback to free the non clonable memory of an entity
\param entity entity handle
typedef void (*NINJAentityFreeNonClonableFunc)();

///callback to free the clonable memory of an entity
This function is called when all the entity clones are destroyed
\param entity entity handle
typedef void (*NINJAentityFreeClonableFunc)();

extern void ninjaEntitySetPreDrawFunc(NINJAentityPreDrawFunc func);
extern void ninjaEntitySetDrawFunc(NINJAentityDrawFunc func);
extern void ninjaEntitySetPostDrawFunc(NINJAentityPostDrawFunc func);

extern void ninjaEntitySetUpdateFunc(NINJAentityUpdateFunc func);
extern void ninjaEntitySetAnimateFunc(NINJAentityAnimateFunc func);

extern void ninjaEntitySetCollisionWithSphereFunc(NINJAentityCollisionWithSphereFunc func);
extern void ninjaEntitySetCollisionAABBFunc(NINJAentityCollisionWithAABBFunc func);
extern void ninjaEntitySetFreeNonClonableFunc(NINJAentityFreeNonClonableFunc func);
extern void ninjaEntitySetFreeClonableFunc(NINJAentityFreeClonableFunc func);


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