Is there any WYSIWYG like editors for C++?

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13 comments, last by smiley4 21 years, 4 months ago
Many mainstream C++ IDEs have WYSIWYG capability for dialogs. But you see, HTML is not a program language it''s a document format. In C++ the elements of the "document" or dialog have events and the such that have to be coded and would not exactly Visual. Just like how Dreamweaver can''t exactly show you &#106avascript or php or something. Any way you look at it you can not make an application from scratch without knowing how to program. Simple fact.
Artists will never "replace" programmers or put them out of a job. The more you simplify a procedure or language, the less powerful it becomes.
I''m sorry I figured that C++ now uses an advanced form of language that when compiled will convert to binary so that a computer can read it. I was suggesting building an application that writes common C++ routines for certain game generes -- one that an artist can understand. I know that HTML stands for HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE and that Dreamweaver just minimizes the workload. Of course, programmers won''t be replaced until computers can think for themselves. I''m just wanting to know if there is a program that can do for action games what Director did for Myst.
Now I shall systematicly disimboule you with a .... Click here for Project Anime
I already mentioned The Games Factory by ClickTeam. That''s probably the closest you''ll find to what you''re describing.

And Myst was done in HyperCard, not Director.

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

C++ is not WYSIWYG, it''s more ... YAFIYGI.

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