Reversing Triangle Drawn direction in 3DStudio5

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6 comments, last by gommo 21 years, 4 months ago
I modelled a low poly character in 3d studio 5 and imported it into my DirectX app but all the polygons are reversed. I''m using the Panda DirectX exporter. Is there a way in max5 to reverse this again without having to remodel the character?? The only way to see the character was to change backface culling from CCW to CW but that makes all my terrain and scenery disapear?? Any ideas There is an option to reverse normals.?? Would this be the same thing?? THanks
50% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
You could set CCW ONLY when you render your model, then you set back CW when you need to render everything else in that order... I mean, if you have for example a terrain class, and a model class (which is your exported model) you could have a render function in both classes.
You should have a game class or whatever you call it, but that lets you render everything in order. Then you''ll have no problem rendering your terrain and your model...
For example:

  void CGame::Render(){  D3DDevice->Clear(/*all the stuff*/);    D3DDevice->BeginScene();    Terrain->Render(); //here cullmode is CCW    Model->Render(); //here cullmode is CW  D3DDevice->EndScene();  D3DDevice->Present();}  

For 3dsmax, I don''t really know... maybe there is an option...

No matter where you go... &this
No matter where you go... &this
The flag option using 3dsconv.exe to reverse normals IS what you''re looking for. Enjoy.

I don''t think 3dsconv would help him since he is using the Panda DirectX exporter. Gommo, I would see if there is any support documents for Panda. If not, maybe write a quick function that reverses the faces you import.
Why don''t you just put a normal modifer on the has 2 options..FLIP and normalize....Sounds like you need to spend some more time learning MAX.
Jim: My point was, rather than using the panda exporter, export as a .3ds, then convert. End result = correct output format.
I''ve heard bad things about using the 3dsMax->3ds->X conversion route. Isn''t something messed up, like animation frames or texture data?
Initially I was having huge problems also and turned to other alternatives like the panda exporter and milkshape etc...but then I researched the flags for conv3ds more in-depth and managed to come up with a command line that works like a charm for exporting models with textures. You have to be careful you always collapse the stack before exporting, also making certain you ONLY use .BMP or .PPM textures that must be a power of 2 in dimension. While 3dsmax supports texturing with practically all files, they seem to cause huge issues with conv3ds unless following those guidelines. I have yet to work with animated meshes (should have some time to deal with that in a week or two).

My command line looks like this basically:

conv3ds -m -x -s1.0 file.3DS

Tweak the 1.0 as needed for scaling. Works like a charm for me

[edited by - wiseachoo on December 6, 2002 3:42:39 AM]

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