Quake3 BSP Lightmaps

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1 comment, last by rocknroll60s 21 years, 4 months ago
I''m having trouble loading the lightmap textures from a quake3 BSP file with D3DX. I''m following the tutorial from GameTutorials and it uses gluBuild2DMipmaps to load them, but thats OpenGL. Is there a D3DX equivalent?
back when we all used dx7, it was


but that may have changed...

(and yes, i need to upgrade and get into dx8 development)
die or be died...i think
Here's my code to load Q3A lightmaps:

    	for(int i=0;i < numlightmaps;i++)	{		D3DLOCKED_RECT lr;		D3DXCreateTexture(d3ddevice,128,128,1,0,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&lightmaptextures[i])		lightmaptextures[i]->LockRect(0,&lr,NULL,0);		for(int j=0;j < 128*128;j++)		{			//swap the bytes to the way D3D likes it 			((unsigned char*)lr.pBits)[j*4+0] = lightmapdata[128*128*3*i+j*3+2];			((unsigned char*)lr.pBits)[j*4+1] = lightmapdata[128*128*3*i+j*3+1];			((unsigned char*)lr.pBits)[j*4+2] = lightmapdata[128*128*3*i+j*3+0];			((unsigned char*)lr.pBits)[j*4+3] = 255;		}		lightmaptextures[i]->UnlockRect(0);	}  

I gave you the whole source cause there are some subtleties.

If you ever release your source, let me know. I'm collecting links to Q3A BSP renders.

[edited by - RollingRock on December 23, 2002 11:54:28 PM]

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