Tut #10 finding camera position

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-1 comments, last by venomelektro 21 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I '' m new to open GL programming, I working on tutorial #10 , i '' ve modified the code to allow multiple sectors and textures , and adding some sounds But there is something that I m not understanding with the scene movements : I ve added this code (using glprint of tut #17) to show the x and z position of the camera : *********** char * format = "X pos"; char printable[255]; sprintf(printable,"%s : %d",format, xpos ); glPrint(10,50, printable); format = "Z pos"; sprintf(printable,"%s : %d",format, zpos ); glPrint(10,10, printable); ********* Doing thing I was thinking I will get the camera position but the (xpos and zpos ) values that I get moving fast from -2000000000 to 20000000 I think that there is something I still don''t understand this movement Is anybody know how to get the camera position from the original variables from the tutorial ??? Thanx in avance VenomElektro

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