3rd peron camera and another question

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0 comments, last by Moh_Abed 21 years, 2 months ago
Hi everybod. i have 3 questions and i hope anybody answers me: Q1: how can i implement 3rd person camera using DirectX or any. Q2: i am making an outdoors game and now i am researching on scane management especially (occlusion culling). i made an octree but i wanna know a good way or algorithm for detecting occluders and dont draw what is behind it. can anybody suggest an article or algorithm. Q3: i''ve read the zen og direct3d, windows game programming gurus, programming rpg. i want to buy another book about advanced topics like scene management(culling), character animation, AI, and Physics. so anybody can suggest a book. i heard about 3d game engine design and gems series what about them?
Mohammed Abed
I can only answer question 1...

A1: Set your camera back a little, make it look at 0,0,1 (z is up). Get its matrix. Now, multiply this matrix by the target object''s matrix. Then, set it as View matrix. Start over again whenever object moves.

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