feof (end of file) not recognized.

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3 comments, last by Cat_B 21 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I wrote a random access data file using fwrite. I then read it doing while(!feof){} but it doesn''t see the feof and keeps going. Do I have to write a special feof character? I know its ctl-z for windows, but how do I write this at the end of a file? thanx (I''m using C, not c++ and its a console program)
feof is a function. Your code is testing whether its address is not 0. Which it will never be. You need to actually call the function : while( !feof( fp ) ) { /* ... */ } where fp if your file pointer.

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Yes, soory, that was an ommision in my post, but not my code.

my code is
while (!feof(cfPtr)){
printf("dx: %d /t dy: %d \n", dx, dy);
You don''t need to seek after a read. You''re probably seeking past the end of the file. I don''t know what feof returns in that case.
Ah! Thank you

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