How to copy surfaces to the backbuffer in DirectX 9?

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0 comments, last by Lohrno 21 years, 2 months ago
Well, How do you do it? I''ve been working a little bit out of the book "The Zen of Direct 3D Game Programming." And I have now been trying to convert code to DirectX 9. So far, it''s been not so bad, but I got to the point where I want to copy a surface to the backbuffer, and I can not. I use the CreateOffscreenPlainSurface function, but when I try to do an UpdateSurface to the backbuffer, it always gives me Access Violations... Does anyone know? -=Lohrno
Ahhh I just found have to have the offscreen surface be default, and instead of using UpdateSurface, use StrechRects.


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