Matrix Camera Rotations (common probably)

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0 comments, last by Pres 21 years, 2 months ago
The problem is that once the camera is no longer pointing down the z-axis of the identity matrix, rotations upon world space no longer look like "camera" rotations. Example : On my keyboard the z and x keys are supposed to control the camera''s roll. Which they do if the camera is at identity (because I rotate around the z-axis). I rotate the camera around the Y-axis by 90 degrees - now any change along the z-axis affects not the roll but the pitch of my camera. This problem is obviously as old as the hills, but how to solve it ? Quaternions, while probably the best solution, are not what I''m after, nor gluLookAt type solutions, just raw matrix stuff.
because you wont get away with global rotations. rotate around the cameras local z-axis (if using opengl i would just load the matrix to the stack, rotate and read it back).

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