How to know the Z-value of Near Clipping Plane?

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1 comment, last by willy9532 23 years, 11 months ago
Hi! I am wookjin jung from Korea... I have a question about the following In D3D IM, I can have projection matrix doing the following... m_pDev->GetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_PROJECTION, &m_mtxProjection); //here m_pDev is LPDIRECT3DDEVICE7 But I want calculate the following value with this projection matrix(m_mtxProjection) - Z value of Near Clipping Plane - Z value of Far Clipping - value of Fov Please teach me...
Hi, I am Wookjin Jung.I am working in VA. USA as a H1B(working visa) worker.My nationality is Korea.
Here''s how the projection matrix is computed: DirectX SDK Documentations

You should be able to find the z-values from that.

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It would be a lot easier to just store the variables of the projection matrix. It would be faster also.

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