points picking and drawing

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0 comments, last by murasaki 21 years, 1 month ago
Please help give me some idea on how to : 1. loaded a whole list of coords(thounsands) of points from a file, want to create a set of wireframe from all the points. 2. allow user to use the to select each point, or to drag out a rect area to select all the points within the area.(i have read the tutorial here about picking, but seems cant apply to points.) Thanks.
Well here is a quick explanation about picking:

The picking way of OpenGL is really very usefull for you in this case.How can you pick a point.OpenGL provides a way to create a rect(you give the dimensions) and the center of the rect are some given coords(you can use the mouse).So you create a rect 2x2 and if a point is in that rect it will be selected.OpenGL makes the things really easy and tells you if a more than one objects(or none) are inside that rect.Just read some complex tutorial about picking over the net and the things will become more clear.

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