Stuck on a QBASIC assignment, really need help :C

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8 comments, last by Drevay 21 years, 1 month ago
Now, in this assignment I must use DO WHILE LOOPing, to make the computer ask me the users name, the users gender, and the users age, the questions will keep looping, keeping track of how many males and females and averaging the age of each sex, then when the user name END is entered, the program displays in a chart (know how to make the char atleast :C ), the number of males, females, and the average age of each sex. Please ... help ... me :C! Of course that''''s just my opinion, I could be wrong. -)(-Dennis Miller-)(-
_________________Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. -- Winston ChurchillGDNet-0.2 - rate users the easy way with this nifty Firefox extension. Updated with new features.
Errr.... I didn''t see a question there. Do you really expect someone to write the program for you?

We aren''t going to do your homework. Try it yourself. If you have specific questions about the language or something, then ask those. But don''t ask them unless you''ve already looked for the answer yourself.

But... but that''s what HITLER would say!!
Oh sorry, I should have been more specific.... >.>

You see I''ve tried for hours here, I just don''t know where to go, I''m on page 44 of the manual, miles ahead of my class, and here I get into a snag.

Now, I feel really stupid asking this question of course, but I mean, I know I will have to use some IF THEN satements, of course some DO WHILE LOOP statements, and maybe even work out some equations for the computer to follow by...

I was thinking something like this

In the if statement -

IF sGender = "male" THEN
nTotalmale = + 1
ELSE IF sGender = "female" THEN
nTotalfemale = + 1

Now that''s what I THINK should work, doesn''t....what am I missing?

Also how will I average out all of the ages?
I am .... really stuck, I hate to sound like such a newbie.....sorry :C

Of course that''''s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
-)(-Dennis Miller-)(-
_________________Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. -- Winston ChurchillGDNet-0.2 - rate users the easy way with this nifty Firefox extension. Updated with new features.
Uhmmm... Whatever your trying to do with the =+, don't... you might be thinking of += and I don't even think you can use that operator in qbasic... do totalMales = totalMales + 1.....

your question about averaging is easy... you need a variable to keep track the total ages combined...

so when someone enters their age do:

totalMalesAge = totalMalesAge + WhateverAgeTheUserEntered
numberOfMaleAges = numberOfMaleAges + 1

then to get the average do...

average = totalMaleAge / numberOfMaleAges...

im not rereading what i typed to make sure i didn't do anythign stupid but you should get the idea!

[edited by - anachronism on March 3, 2003 2:02:44 PM]
IF sGender = "male" THEN
nTotalmale = nTotalmale + 1
ELSE IF sGender = "female" THEN
nTotalfemale = nTotalfemale + 1
name$ = ""males = 0females = 0totalage = 0numberofpersons = 0DO WHILE name$ <> "END"  input "Name: ", name$  input "Gender: ", gender$  input "Age: ", age  totalage = totalage + age  numberofpersons = numberofpersons + 1  IF gender = "Male" THEN    males = males + 1  ELSE    females = females + 1  END IFLOOP'FinishedPRINT "Number of males: ", malesPRINT "Number of females: ", femalesPRINT "Average Age: ", (totalage / numberofpersons) 


It has been a while since I used QBasic, so there could be some errors. And it is up to you to keep track of the average age of the genders... you have to learn something too

[edited by - frankie68 on March 3, 2003 3:04:48 PM]
It''s so weird not seeing semicolons at the end of almost every line Makes me wanna fire up GW-BASIC again and mess with LINE NUMBERS (yuck )

Ok, I have to make that into modular (subdivision) QBASIC now, or it won''t count for marks.....thanks :D

Of course that''''s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
-)(-Dennis Miller-)(-
_________________Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. -- Winston ChurchillGDNet-0.2 - rate users the easy way with this nifty Firefox extension. Updated with new features.
use the lcase$ function so you can test for "male" or "female" instead of all the different letters having caps.


if lcase$(gender$) = "male" then males = males + 1
else females = females + 1
Thanks :D

And everyone, thanks for the help XD, I really appreciate it
_________________Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. -- Winston ChurchillGDNet-0.2 - rate users the easy way with this nifty Firefox extension. Updated with new features.

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