Camera references

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1 comment, last by ZitherMan 21 years, 1 month ago
I''m wondering if there''s any referances how to move the camera. I find the ones in the SDK documentation difficult to follow so i was wondering if there''s a site that maybe has tutorials making a cameraclass? Something like does in OGL.
When hell freezes over it will be a pretty cool place to snowboard
I have a nice camera class that I''m using for my current project.
I have a base camera interface like so:

  enum CameraType{	FPS_CAMERA,	FOLLOW_CAMERA,	ARCBALL_CAMERA,	UNKNOWN_CAMERA};class CCamera{public:	CCamera() { m_CameraType = UNKNOWN_CAMERA; }	virtual ~CCamera() {}	D3DXMATRIX SetViewMatrix(D3DXMATRIX &mat) { m_matView = mat; }	D3DXMATRIX* GetViewMatrix() { return &m_matView; }	D3DXMATRIX SetBillboardMatrix(D3DXMATRIX &mat) { m_matBillboard = mat; }	D3DXMATRIX* GetBillboardMatrix() { return &m_matBillboard; }	void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) { m_vPosition = D3DXVECTOR3(x,y,z); }	D3DXVECTOR3 GetPosition() { return m_vPosition; }	CameraType	GetCameraType() { return m_CameraType; }	  	virtual void Update(float fElapsedTime) = 0;	virtual void Reset() = 0;protected:	D3DXMATRIX	m_matView;	D3DXMATRIX  m_matBillboard;	D3DXMATRIX	m_matOrientation;	D3DXVECTOR3 m_vPosition;	CameraType	m_CameraType;};  

And for now all I have for a concrete camera class is a user controlled camera:

  class CUserControlledCamera : public CCamera{protected:	D3DXVECTOR3 m_vVelocity;	float m_fYaw;	float m_fYawVelocity;	float m_fPitch;	float m_fPitchVelocity;	float m_fRoll;	float m_fRollVelocity;	float m_bInvertYAxis;	float m_fSpeed;	float m_fAngularSpeed;	float m_fDeceleration;	float m_fAngularDeceleration;public:	CUserControlledCamera();	virtual ~CUserControlledCamera();	void SetInvertYAxis(bool inv) { m_bInvertYAxis = inv; }	void ToggleInvertYAxis() { m_bInvertYAxis = !m_bInvertYAxis; }	void AddToYawPitchRoll(float fYaw, float fPitch, float fRoll);	void AddToVelocity(float x, float y, float z);	void Update(float fElapsedTime);	void Reset();};  


  #include "CUserControlledCamera.h"CUserControlledCamera::CUserControlledCamera(){	m_CameraType = FPS_CAMERA;	Reset();}CUserControlledCamera::~CUserControlledCamera(){}void CUserControlledCamera::Reset(){	m_vVelocity.x = 0.0f;	m_vVelocity.y = 0.0f;	m_vVelocity.z = 0.0f;	m_fYaw = 0.0f;	m_fPitch = 0.0f;	m_fRoll = 0.0f;	m_fYawVelocity = 0.0f;	m_fPitchVelocity = 0.0f;	m_fRollVelocity = 0.0f;//	m_fSpeed = 3.0f;//	m_fAngularSpeed = 1.0f;	m_fSpeed = 1.0f;//	m_fDeceleration = 0.97f;//	m_fAngularDeceleration = 0.75f;	m_fDeceleration = 0.9f;	m_fAngularDeceleration = 0.8f;	m_bInvertYAxis = false;	m_vPosition = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);	D3DXMatrixIdentity(&m_matOrientation);	D3DXMatrixIdentity(&m_matBillboard);}void CUserControlledCamera::Update(float fElapsedTime){	float fTime;  	if( fElapsedTime > 0.0f ) fTime = fElapsedTime;	else                      fTime = 0.05f;	float fSpeed        = m_fSpeed * fTime;	float fAngularSpeed = m_fSpeed * 0.3f * fTime;  	// Update the position vector	D3DXVECTOR3 vT = m_vVelocity * fSpeed;	D3DXVec3TransformNormal( &vT, &vT, &m_matOrientation );	m_vPosition += vT;	// keep the position locked in the vertical//	D3DXVECTOR3 pos = GetPosition();//	pos.y = 5.00f; //	SetPosition(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z);  	// Update the yaw-pitch-rotation vector	m_fYaw += fAngularSpeed * m_fYawVelocity;	if(m_bInvertYAxis)		m_fPitch -= fAngularSpeed * m_fPitchVelocity;	else		m_fPitch += fAngularSpeed * m_fPitchVelocity;  	// Set the view matrix	D3DXQUATERNION qR;	D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(&qR, m_fYaw, m_fPitch, m_fRoll);	D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation(&m_matOrientation, 1.25f, NULL, &qR, &m_vPosition );	D3DXMatrixInverse( &m_matView, NULL, &m_matOrientation );	// Decelerate the camera''s position velocity (for smooth motion)	m_vVelocity      *= m_fDeceleration;	// decelerate the abgular velocity (mouse look)	// if you raise this value too much you''ll barf	m_fYawVelocity   *= m_fAngularDeceleration;	m_fPitchVelocity *= m_fAngularDeceleration;	// update the billboard matrix	D3DXMatrixInverse( &m_matBillboard, NULL, &m_matView );	m_matBillboard._41 = 0.0f;	m_matBillboard._42 = 0.0f;	m_matBillboard._43 = 0.0f;}void CUserControlledCamera::AddToYawPitchRoll(float fYaw, float fPitch, float fRoll){	m_fPitchVelocity	+= fPitch;	m_fYawVelocity		+= fYaw;	m_fRollVelocity		+= fRoll;}void CUserControlledCamera::AddToVelocity(float x, float y, float z){	m_vVelocity += D3DXVECTOR3(x,y,z);}  

An now in order for me to control the camera with mouse and keyboard, I use directInput to poll the mouse/keyboard in immediate mode and use the following code to have a mouse-look camera with arrow keys for movement - like a Quake-type camera movement:

  //---------------------------------// MOUSE// mouse look with cameramx = mouse->getMouseX();my = mouse->getMouseY();camera->AddToYawPitchRoll(mx/0.8f, my/0.8f, 0.0f);//---------------------------------// KEYBOARD// keyboard arrow keys to translate cameraif(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_LSHIFT)|| keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_RSHIFT))	cameraSpeed *= 2;if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_LCONTROL) || keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_RCONTROL))	cameraSpeed *= 10;		if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_LEFTARROW))		camera->AddToVelocity(-cameraSpeed,0,0);if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_RIGHTARROW))		camera->AddToVelocity(cameraSpeed,0,0);if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_UPARROW))		camera->AddToVelocity(0,0,cameraSpeed);if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_DOWNARROW))		camera->AddToVelocity(0,0,-cameraSpeed);if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_HOME))		camera->AddToVelocity(0,cameraSpeed,0);if(keyboard->KeyIsDown(DIK_END))		camera->AddToVelocity(0,-cameraSpeed,0);  

Note really a tutorial, but maybe you can use this same camera in your code or you will find it useful to get started with your own camera.
Wow! This is much more than expected!
Thanks I''ll try to put something together using your information!

Oh, more resources/links/tutorials are always welcome
When hell freezes over it will be a pretty cool place to snowboard

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