Checking for OpenGL hardware support...

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11 comments, last by v_d_d 21 years, 1 month ago
Yes, maybe I could do that. I absolutely need to tell the user that the app won''t run on software rendering mode. Anyways, the vendor string seems to work in most cases so it will probably be enough.

What if the user has such a fast PC that it doesn''t matter if it''s the software implementation?

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What if the user has such a fast PC that it doesn''t matter if it''s the software implementation?

Well, then it doesn''t matter anyway

Actually, I do use runtime profiling only. The PFD flag is not always reliable on some exotic drivers. For each feature used in the engine, I check the performance with that feature enabled and disabled, at startup. I then analyze the performance drop. The feature is classified as ''useable'' or ''unuseable'', depending on how large the drop was. It doesn''t matter to the engine, whether it''s in software or hardware. The performance is what matters. So far it never failed, on all tested hardware. For excpetional cases, there is always a manual override in a config file.

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