getting "typing style" input while directinput has the keyboard

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4 comments, last by billybob 21 years ago
how do you get input from typing while the keyboard is active? regular directinput keyboard doesn''t cut it, it doesn''t have a repeat rate, and you can press more than one key a time. i can write one using timers and stuff, but i''d rather directinput have a way of getting it. all i really need is a function returning a char, like char GetCurrentKeyTyped() or something.
use the WM_CHAR message for typing-style input.

''There''s something out there....something stupid...''
''I think I''m going to be ill. Is that a problem for you?''
''[You] overestimate my conscience by assuming that I have one.''
- Daria
i thought that if the device is exclusive windows doesn''t get the message.
Check this function: GetKeyboardState
Hi i got typing style input working on my dx model, you have to use bufferd input, then what i did is to use 2 buffers one for key presses and one for current keys down, every time a key is pressed, [down and then up event] i write that key into the key pressed buffer, and i just read from the key pressed buffer. Only thing that i havn''t got working yet is repeating. The current keys down buffer i clear after each frame. I use this buffer for the movement and stuff in my engine.
i''ll just use a timer and get repeat rate working correctly, from dx''s key data.

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