Posting Code/Help with Mouse Move

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1 comment, last by BuddyLee 21 years ago
I was trying to make a program that everytime the mouse was moved and if it was in a positive coordinate that it would draw a rectangle where the mouse was. Just sort of fooling around with a snipet of code I wanted to use later. Here is my code, I cant figure out why it wont draw at all or even stop at a breakpoint in the procedure. Also how do you post code in those little boxes? Code: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { hDC = BeginPaint( g_hWndMain, &PaintStruct ); int xPos; int yPos; xPos = LOWORD(lParam); yPos = HIWORD(lParam); Rectangle(hDC, xPos, yPos, xPos + 20, yPos + 20); if( xPos > 0 && yPos > 0) Rectangle(hDC, xPos, yPos, xPos + 20, yPos + 20); EndPaint( g_hWndMain, &PaintStruct ); return 0; }
I''m not sure but I think the values returned would be the amount moved since last time so try

// Global
int xPos;
int yPos;

// Local
xPos + = LOWORD(lParam);
yPos + = HIWORD(lParam);
posting in a hurry, but it should help. I

   LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(.....);{ POINT  point;case WM_MOUSEMOVE:hdc = GetDC(hwnd);GetCursorPos(&point)ScreenToClient(hwnd, &point);Rectangle(hdc, point.x, point.y, point.x+20, point.y+20);ClientToScreen(hwnd, &point);ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc);return 0;case WM_PAINT:hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps)  .  .  . EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);return 0;     

to make the nice little code box put the word "source" in
open and close brackets

"There are ones that say they can and there are those who actually do."

"...u can not learn programming in a class, you have to learn it on your own."

[edited by - cMADsc on March 31, 2003 3:28:23 PM]
-----------------------------"There are ones that say they can and there are those who actually do.""...u can not learn programming in a class, you have to learn it on your own."

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