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4 comments, last by Barnacle 21 years ago
Hello everyone. I don't have any experience with C++, everything I've worked with has been in Java. However, I am interested in learning OGL. Being as Java and C++ are similar I was hoping to just pick up C++ on the way. Anyways I went and got MSVS.NET so I could do the tutorials on this site. Here's my problem, the tutorial says this... "After you have created a new Win32 Application (NOT a console application) in Visual C++, you will need to link the OpenGL libraries. In Visual C++ go to Project, Settings, and then click on the LINK tab. Under "Object/Library Modules" at the beginning of the line (before kernel32.lib) add OpenGL32.lib GLu32.lib and GLaux.lib. Once you've done this click on OK. You're now ready to write an OpenGL Windows program." When I select -Project-Properties- (settings doesn't exist) I can't find a place to add the OGL libraries. Is .NET just different or am I looking in the wrong place? PS-sorry if I was longwinded, just trying to be clear. [edited by - Barnacle on April 20, 2003 9:38:22 PM] [edited by - Barnacle on April 20, 2003 9:39:14 PM]
It''s slightly different in .NET. In the Explorer panel, right click on the project name and go to Properties. Under Configuration properties, select Linker and then select Command Line. There you can add in the libraries.


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OK, thanks alot. That was the closest thing I could find but I couldn''t convince myself it was equivalent. I assume I just add it in the additional options box.
That''s correct. You can also use a pragma, but that''s the recommended way.

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Under linker, you can also select ''Input'' and then type them in with ''Additional Dependencies'' to link to the libraries.
Duke''s solution is the equivelent one ... I used Visual C++ 6 for 2 years, now using .Net ... there are MANY MANY arangement differences like this one, but so far all of the option I actually use are still there ...

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