How many tris can a graphic card handle nowadays??

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37 comments, last by dopeflow 20 years, 11 months ago
90 fps rendering my quadtree only. Which means between ~6000 to 10000 tris. Not a lot.

I am not doing any ai or any sort of treatment that would take a lot of cpu time.

Reducing resolution suprisingly doesnt give me much of a boost in speed. Went from 320X240 to 1024X768, and I got like maybe 10 fps more at 320X240. Im using lights but im disabling it via console and speed still sucks , I dont specify normals for the meshes yet anyway. All textures are generated with mipmaps. The meshes are not textured either right now.

My terrain texture is 3 megs, but I dont think loading only 1 big texture is such a big problem??

Ive set up a small build, maybe you guys with better gfx card could give it a shot??

W,A,S,D to move around (all the entities are on the lower right of where you start.
~ to bring up console, and type help for commands

try enabling /disabling entities rendering see what it does for you. Turning off lighting doesnt do much since I dont specify normals for anything right now...

Maybe just tell me a bit about what kind of fps you get.
I would say that there is something that is going on in your CPU that is taking a lot longer than it should... I''d say an optomized frustrum culling technique would probobly help a lot, but just profile and see where all your CPU time is going to.


I got 450 fps without entities and 130 with. Just a thought, check that you don''t start from the beginning every time you look for something. That would be quite slow. Try and batch everything to be drawn in one go. It is hard to say what you could do to improve without actually seeing your source ;-) Size does matter with textures. Check your card capabilities to make sure.

Try RealityRift at
Feel free to comment, object, laugh at or agree to this. I won''t engage in flaming because of what I have said.
I could be wrong or right but the ideas are mine.

No no no no! :)
I''m running an NVIDIA GeForce4 TI 4200 with AGP8x and with no entities running I get 60 to 61 fps. With the entities running I get a solid 12 to 15 fps. The entities are really killing it on the draw. It is mostly likely the culler. Of course, I still need to update my video drivers.
Athlon XP 1800+
256mb DDR
GeForce 4 Ti4200 64mb

I get ~300fps with no entities, ~50 with entities
quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
I''m running an NVIDIA GeForce4 TI 4200 with AGP8x and with no entities running I get 60 to 61 fps. With the entities running I get a solid 12 to 15 fps.

quote:Original post by LowCalorieSoftDrink
Athlon XP 1800+
256mb DDR
GeForce 4 Ti4200 64mb

I get ~300fps with no entities, ~50 with entities

Interesting. Same video board, and a huge performance difference. What''s your CPU, AP ? I have the feeling, that the bottleneck is somewhere in your culling (quadtree and entity) code, or somewhere around it''s proximity. I can''t try the demo, I don''t have access to a Windows system right now.

You should definitely profile your code, entities enabled, but glDrawElements() commented out.
My occlusion algorithm is very simple

  for(int p=0; p < m_entityList.size(); ++p)		{		if(m_frustum->SphereInFrustum(m_entityList[p]->GetPosition(), m_entityList[p]->GetSize()))			{			m_entityList[p]->Draw();			System::S()->SetNbEntitiesRendered(System::S()->GetNbEntitiesRendered() + 1);				}		}  

At least some of you guys almost get 60 fps on decent hardware, Im FAR from satisfied with this though, as I dont even have any ai/networking/game logic yet. Also I still need to add lighting and shadows....ouch!
p42.1ghz/9700pro here:

480 fps initially. down to 125 fps with all 100 entities (81104 tris.)

couldn''t test the no entities mode. every time i brought up the console it showed nothing but garbage. if you let me know what it is i''ll try again.
no idea why
but basically you would get 480 fps without entities rendering since im just jumping over the entities drawing loop when its disabled.
quote:Original post by dopeflow
I am not going to be implementing lod because the view is top down like in warcraft3 so you will always be from same distance.

I have doing something very similar and have found VERY varge increases by keeping my objects sorted or at least stored in order by thier position. In my case, I draw objects only in a rectangle that has front z_of_camera + 12, back z_of_camera + 3, left x_of_camera - 7, and right x_of_camera + 7. This way, I can cycle through my array and never have to do any testing of if an object is in the frustrum because I know that if the box they are in is in the bounds of my frustrum box, they will be visible. This only works when the y value doesn''t change much along with a few other restrictions on the camera, but I have found encorperates an Enourmous frame rate increase.

Hope that helped... If anything was confusing, just ask and I''ll try to clear up my thoughts and try again... I normally don''t do vey well on my first try


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