fstream read and write

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3 comments, last by XDarkScar 20 years, 11 months ago
I know how to do that but how do you read from a certian area bla bla bla bla bla bla| bla bla| bla bla bla bla how would you read from the area with the | second question how would you write to a certain area? tx for your replys Easy way of programming: Code, Graphics, Swearing....
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Are you trying to read from a specific area in a file? If so you can use delimeters. These act as referece points to a file for example you could read in a file and only copy the file into a buffer after reaching one. They can be anything you like, but single character delimeters are easier to check. I like to use the tilde character.
can you post an example, im sort of a noob to C++, finishing up a text game, and I need that info 2 learn from

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Easy way of programming: Coding, Debugging, Swearing.
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You could write to the file as binary, and then read the file as binary of course and to specify a point in the file you could use an offset from the beginning of the file.
i'm not sure exactly what you want to do...

getline(infile, temp, '|');  

will read everything until it hits a |. you could also use ignore if you don't need the data before the |. then you could process data after the | if that's what you need. if you need the data on the line with the |, then something like this might work (haven't tried this code):

string line;getline(infile, line, '\n');while(infile){   if(line[line.length()-1] == '|')   {      //do something with this line   }   getline(infile, line, '\n');}  

that should read line by line and check the very last character of the string it read to see if it is a |. if it is, then you do something with the line you just read in the if block.

[edited by - bjl3784 on May 4, 2003 10:27:42 AM]

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