DrawPrimitiveUP.... does this even work?

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1 comment, last by Syrillix 20 years, 11 months ago
ok, im trying to draw some polyline quad strips using d3d. but i didnt want to use a vertex buffer and lock it every frame to make it work, so i thought id give DrawPrimitiveUP a try. ive heard the UP functions were slow, but it couldnt possibly as slow as locking a vertex buffer for only a couple dozen vertices each frame. anyway.. ive read everything i can on using it, but it refuses to show anything. the call doesnt fail, the game doesnt crash, but nothing shows up. does anyone know of anything helpful about using this method?
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Not sre how much I can help much, but I''ve been doing alot of research into VB''s and I can tell you they are definitly the way to go. If you need to update vertex data everyframe try using dynamic vertex buffers as they are stored on the AGP bus and have much fast lock speeds than say static buffers. From the nvidia paper I read it pretty much said you should ALWAYS use VB''s as they are far more effective than any other means of display.

I know this isn''t an answer to the DrawPrimitiveUp question but its all I have to share hehe.
As Illumini said, using VBs will always be faster than using DrawPrimitiveUP.

I''m not sure what to tell you about your problem. DrawPrimitiveUP definitely does work, since I''ve used it myself quite recently. Maybe you could reduce the problem to a simple test case and post some code?

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