resolving = blocking?

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3 comments, last by foofightr 20 years, 11 months ago
gethostbyname() I don''t see anything in MSDN about this function blocking, but logically it has to, right? It has to go out from your computer, access a DNS server, and come back? I''m just concerned that if someone is runing my game and their connection is down, and they try to connect to a server using a "" kinda address, it will freeze their program for X seconds?
Yeah it blocks and there''s not really anything you can do about it in standard sockets. On Windows you can use WSAAsyncGetHostByName.
The alternatives:

- queue a user APC to a separate thread and when the APC is executed, perform the blocking call there.

- queue a work item to the process'' thread pool (under Windows 2000+)

[]Dire Wolf[/email]
The other way is to create your own DNS query procedure...

"I''ll be Bach!" (c) Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger
"I'll be Bach!" (c) Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger
Thanks for the answers. Since I don''t particularly care for the methods suggested, I''ve decided that you''ll just have to enter direct IP addresses in my game

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