Seems simple, but I am having problem blitting to back buffer.

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2 comments, last by CptanPanic 20 years, 11 months ago
I am setting the pixels directly on a surface, and copying that to the back buffer. But I can't get anything to come out correct. I tried just doing a straight horizontal line 400 pixels long, and it comes out as a line about 50 pixels long and 10 high. I took a screen shot to show what I mean. I verified that it is indeed writing 400 white 32 bit pixels every 4 bytes. Note I am running in 640x480. Thanks, CP [edited by - CptanPanic on May 9, 2003 1:07:21 AM]
Rather difficult to say what the problem is without seeing the source or getting a lot more information.

2 obvious questions though:

1) Are you sure the backbuffer surface is 32 bit?

2) Do you know about framebuffer pitch and why it is important?
Yes I understand that the pitch is the width of a row in bytes. I looked up the pitch and it is 2560, which divided by 32bits, comes out to 640. Below is what I am doing.

    DWORD              *m_pFinalVideoData =                            (DWORD *)VirtualAlloc(NULL,                           4 * m_iWidth * m_iHeight,                           MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);;m_pd3dDevice->GetBackBuffer(0,                                                          D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO,                               &m_pBackBufferSurface)    // Draw a Test Line.    for(int i = 0; i < m_iWidth; i++)    {        m_pFinalVideoData[i + 240 * m_iWidth] = 0xFFFFFFFF;    }    if(FAILED(m_pBackBufferSurface->LockRect(&m_SurfaceRect,                                             NULL,                                             NULL)))    {        OutputDebugString("Unable to Lock Back Buffer\n");        return;    }    memcpy(m_SurfaceRect.pBits,m_pFinalVideoData,           m_SurfaceRect.Pitch* m_iHeight);    m_pBackBufferSurface->UnlockRect();     

[edited by - CptanPanic on May 8, 2003 11:07:37 AM]

[edited by - CptanPanic on May 8, 2003 11:08:48 AM]
I think I found out what is going on, seems my video card is doing something called tiling with the back buffer.

[edited by - CptanPanic on May 9, 2003 12:15:08 PM]

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