Are My Abstract & Real Class Declarations ok ?

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7 comments, last by Bagpuss 20 years, 10 months ago
Is there a problem with my declaration of my Abstract Class / Normal Class as follows ?
class BaseCls
//Private Variables are in here

	float fVersion;	//The Version of this Class

//public Functions and Data go in here

	virtual ~BaseCls();
	virtual void GetData(int Beam, std::vector<int>* vec)=0;	//Load in the Data

	virtual void PutData(std::vector<int>* vec)=0;	//Write out the Data

	//Overloaded Operators

	bool operator== (BaseCls T);
	BaseCls& operator=(const BaseCls &T);
	bool operator< (BaseCls T);
	//Debug Function, Drop all Data to Console

	virtual void DumpData()=0;	

class CAirClass : public BaseCls
//Private Variables are in here


//public Functions and Data go in here

	CAirClass(const CAirClass &T);
	void GetData(int Beam, std::vector<int>* vec);	//Load in the Data

	void PutData(std::vector<int>* vec);	//Write out the Data

	//Overloaded Operators

	bool operator== (CAirClass T);
	CAirClass& operator=(const CAirClass &T);
	bool operator< (CAirClass T);

	void DumpData();	//Function to Dump all inair Data to the screen


As when I compile these files, and the associated .cpp files (using DJGPP) I get 5 errors all of the following format; AirClass.cpp: undefined reference to ''BaseCls::~BaseCls [not-in-charge]()'' as well as 2 lines, 1 claiming undefind reference to ''vtable for BaseCls and 1 undefined reference to ''typeinfo for BaseCls Any help would be appreciated, Bp.
show us the code in the cpp that is causing the error!
I am still looking at isolating the code to see if any function is causing the problem. initially I wondered if there was anything obvious in my declarations that was wrong.
OK, it seems I get the same errors no matter which functions I comment out, so apologies for dropping the whole lot in here

  #include "AirClass.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <ios>/*Object Construction and Destruction*/CAirClass::CAirClass(){	//Get the Root File Path and Name for this Object	//As this is the Class For the Header of Each Air File, 	//The Type of File for get_optfile() is 9//	get_optfile(9,1,&BaseFName.c_str());	//Temporary Code	baseFName = "D:/Data/InAir.";	fVersion = 0.1f;}CAirClass::CAirClass(const CAirClass &T){		nBeamNum = T.nBeamNum;		nRows = T.nRows;		nCols = T.nCols;		rTheta = T.rTheta;		rPhi = T.rPhi;}CAirClass::~CAirClass(){}/*GetDataThis Function loads in the Appropriate Data (File Header) for an InAir.xfile.Then It Appends the Vector Data to the Current InAir Matrix*/void CAirClass::GetData(int Beam, std::vector<int>* vec){	std::fstream *fs = new std::fstream;	//Convert the filenumber into a text string	char* filenumber = "99";	itoa(Beam,filenumber,10);	//Create the full Name of the File that is Required	std::string fn = baseFName + *filenumber;	//Ask the Filestream Object to throw an exception on Failure		fs->exceptions(std::ios::badbit|std::ios::failbit);	try		{			fs->open(fn.c_str(),std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);		fs->setf(std::ios_base::dec);		*fs>>nBeamNum;		*fs>>nRows;		*fs>>nCols;		//Read in the floating point data		fs->setf(std::ios_base::fixed);		*fs>>rTheta;		*fs>>rPhi;		//Read in Integer Data for Air Matrix		fs->setf(std::ios_base::dec);			int temp;			printf("Getting Matrix Data %i\n",(int)vec->size());		while (!fs->eof())		{			*fs>>temp;			vec->push_back(temp);		}	}	catch(std::ios::failure)	{		printf ("Exception Thrown.\nCannot Find File %s\n",fn.c_str());	}		fs->close();	delete fs;}/*PutDataThis Function Writes Out the Appropriate Data (File Header) for an InAir.xfile.Then It Appends the Vector Data to the Current InAir Matrix*/void CAirClass::PutData(std::vector<int>* vec){}/*DumpInAirDataThis Function is primarily to be used as a debugging tool, it willdump all loaded data to the console when called*/void CAirClass::DumpData(){	printf("Dumping InAir Data Object (Version %2.2f)\n",fVersion);	printf("Beam Number = %i, Matrix Rows = %i, Matrix Columns = %i\n, Theta ? = %1.5f, Phi ? = %1.5f\n"		,nBeamNum,nRows,nCols,rTheta,rPhi);}/*Overloaded Operators*/  bool CAirClass::operator== (CAirClass T){	//Need to compare all elements to see if equal here	return true;}bool CAirClass::operator< (CAirClass T){	//Need to compare what to see if this object is less	return true;}CAirClass& CAirClass::operator=(const CAirClass &T){	if (this != &T)	{		nBeamNum = T.nBeamNum;		nRows = T.nRows;		nCols = T.nCols;		rTheta = T.rTheta;		rPhi = T.rPhi;	}	return *this;}  

Thanks for any help you can offer. Only thing I can say is that this used to work until I decided to create an abstract class to inherit from :-/

Its probably due to the fact that there is no function body for the virtual destructor in the base class. Just make it either blank or turn it into a pure virtual function(Depends whether you want derived classes to HAVE to define a destructor or not)

OK, well you learn something each day
if I made it a Pure Virtual it reduced the errors, but by making it an empty inline destructor it worked a treat.

and what line is the error?
The Error was in the definition of the Abstract class, and so the error messages were decieving, which was why I ended up asking for help in here again.

Looks like you & James are the 2 main contributors in this forum (certainly to me anyway )

Thanks both for all the posts you have made to my questions now and in the past.

okay, thanks for asking

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