wraping a textbox around a cylinder

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0 comments, last by Kurt Heuser 20 years, 10 months ago
I need to wrap a textbox around the surface of a cylinder, so I can display a font of any type or size. I dont want to use bitmaps since the bitmap changes depending on the size of the diameter.. any and all help appreciated.. thank you in advance.
Hi - have you considered first rendering the text that you want to wrap around your cylinder to a texture and then applying that texture to your cylinder?

This should be fairly easy to do --

1) define your texture as a render target
2) render the text to this texture

(you could use d3dxfont here; though it is slower than other methods, it might make sense for your application if you expect the font to change often).

3) render the cylinder using this texture

Hope this vague outline is of some use...


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