is learn C++ in 24 hours a good book?

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3 comments, last by rookie_developer 20 years, 10 months ago
Is learn C++ in 24 hours a good book? if I need help, alot of help; goto forum
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I would suggest Learn C++ in 21 Days, I''ve just glanced at the 24 Hours book and I saw that it was puny. It possibly can''t have enough information to teach you anything beyond the basics of making functions to add numbers.
I would suggest Learn C++ in 21 Days, I''ve just glanced at the 24 Hours book and I saw that it was puny. It possibly can''t have enough information to teach you anything beyond the basics of making functions to add numbers.

There''s no town drunk here, we all take turns.
Oops, sorry bout the double post.

There''s no town drunk here, we all take turns.
I dont know, but I''m pretty sure its just a shortened version of teach yourself c++ in 21 days. i would get that book. Oh yeah, and for people who never used the book, dont let the title fool you. its more like teach yourself 21 lessons.
----Me: So do you know any computer languages?Friend: Ummm....yeah, I used to know l337 talk.Me: ok....

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