Vc++ to bga

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2 comments, last by bzroom 20 years, 9 months ago
i want to start programming for the game boy advance but i find the way to compile it pritty annoyin when i have vc++, is there a way i can have vc++ compile to .gba. Also im not sure exactly what all goes on when i compile to gba set path=C:\devkitadv\bin;%path% gcc -o hello.elf hello.c -lm objcopy -O binary hello.elf hello.gba pause it looks like it compiles to an elf file then simply renames it, if there is no way to compile from vc++ to gba, maybe i could compile to a .elf and just rename it myself Any suggestions, thanks.
VC++ doesn''t cross compile (well, okay, it does for the X-Box, but that''s also an IA32 architecture). I believe there''s a version of CodeWarrior that''ll work for the GBA, but I doubt they''ll sell it to you without seeing a Nintendo development contract.

However, just because you can''t use VC++''s compiler, doesn''t mean you can''t use its IDE or build system. Make a "Makefile" project, and you''ll be able to use arbitrary build commands. Expect to spend a lot of time reading the help files before you get it working.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
I used use gbadev kit

buncha stuff there
Lead ProgrammerDawn of Daria
yea, its always better to do it yourself

Private Sub Command1_Click()            Open App.Path & "\temp.c" For Output As #1                Print #1, rtb.Text & vbNewLine            Close #1            Open App.Path & "\make.bat" For Output As #1                Print #1, "set path=C:\devkitadv\bin;%path%"                Print #1, "gcc -o temp.elf temp.c -lm"                Print #1, "objcopy -O binary temp.elf temp.gba"            Close #1            Shell App.Path & "\make.bat"                        DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents: DoEvents            On Error GoTo a            Open App.Path & "\temp.gba" For Input As #1            Close #1                ShellExecute Me.hWnd, "open", App.Path & "\temp.gba", vbNullString, vbNullString, 0Exit Suba:MsgBox "Error Creating File!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Oops!"End Sub

i have a rich text box with my code in it and i want to make it change the colors of the keywords liek vc++ does, i think im a complete idiot but heres how im doing it, i have an off screen rich textbox so the user dosn't see it scrolling through everything selecting words and what ever, a listbox named l that contains all my keywords int long what ever, listbox named c containing all the colors, the item data for L is an index to c for the color to show

 Private Sub rtb_Change()    Dim i As Integer    Dim x As Integer    Dim s As Integer    Dim e As Integer    Dim y As Integer    Dim z As Integer    Dim index As Integer        y = rtb.SelStart    z = rtb.SelLength        s = y - 8    If s < 1 Then s = 1    e = y + 8    If e > Len(rtb.Text) Then e = Len(rtb.Text)        rh.Text = rtb.Text        index = s    Do While 1        If index >= e Then Exit Do        For x = 0 To l.ListCount - 1            If Mid(rtb.Text, index, Len(l.List(x))) = l.List(x) Then                rh.SelStart = index                rh.SelLength = Len(l.List(x))                rh.SelColor = c.List(l.ItemData(x))                index = index + Len(l.List(x))                GoTo a            End If        Next x        rh.SelStart = index + 1        rh.SelLength = 1        rh.SelColor = vbBlack        index = index + 1a:    Loop        rtb.TextRTF = rh.TextRTF        rtb.SelStart = y    rtb.SelLength = zEnd Sub

and since this dosn't work, i guess its not best to do it yourself, any suggestions?, and sorry about the spelling

edit: haha i know that last function is pritty hack but i was just throwin stuff together

edit2: source box got messed up on edit 1

[edited by - honayboyz on July 7, 2003 12:46:08 PM]

[edited by - honayboyz on July 7, 2003 12:47:10 PM]

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